The meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M. by Chairman Ford. Also present were
Aldermen Wallner, Knudsen, Foldy and Mayor Gottfried.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson appeared at the meeting to request permission to fill
their property ajacent to Gold Drive. No action was taken.
Mr. William Retziaff of State Sand and Gravel Company appeared at the meeting to
discuss excessive noise generated by the trucks using his gravel pit. Mr. Retzlaff
40 promised to contact the owners of all trucking firms using his pit and urge them
to repair or replace mufflers where needed.
Mr. Jack Radtke, Mr. Norman Thomas, Mr. Tom Inman and Attorney Michael McMorrow,
appeared at the meeting to discuss the status of the Thomas's request for a Land—
fill Permit on the former Gravel, Inc. pit located on Tans Drive between Racine Ave.
and Hillendale Drive . Mr. Inman reviewed with the committee his efforts to provide
the DNR with sufficient information to aid them in making a decision on the request
for a Landfill Permit. Mr. McMorrow indated that the DNR has promised a decision by
the end of the month. Mayor Gottfried confirmed this as a result of a conversation
with an Attorney from the DNR. It was the committee's decision to withhold any action
until that date.
A communication directed to Mayor Gottfried, dated 10/12/73, from United States
Postal Service regarding their continuing concerns was received and placed on file.
• The following correspondence was received and placed on file:
To James H. Moat, W192 S7431 Richdorf Drive, from Gerald Lee, regarding culvert
To David Cunningham, dated 10/10/73, from Gerald Lee, regarding landscaping plan
at new A & P.
To Wausau Home, Inc., from Gerald Lee, dated 10/5/73, regarding littering by their
To Sylvester Serdynski, from Daniel Nowak, dated 10/5/73, regarding no Building
Permit issued.
To Millard Tonsor, from Dan Nowak, regarding a fault in wiring system at S70 W16927
Hedgewood Drive.
To Tri Town Homes, from Gerald Lee, dated 10/3/73 regarding litter from new build—
ings under construction.
To Heffernan Homes, Inc, from Gerald Lee, regarding litter from new construction.
To Litzau & Co., Greendale, from Gerald Lee, dated I0/3/73 regarding litter from
new construction.
•To H. A. Beres, from Gerald Lee, dated 10/3/73, re: plumbing fixtures in the
basement of the Marshal Ewert residence.
To Gertrude Schaefer, Durham Drive, from Dan Nowak, dated 10/4/73, re,: lack of
Housing Code.requirements at S74 W15010 Woods Road.
To E.J. Salentine, from Gerald Lee, dated 10/4/73, regarding possible -the construc—
tion of a -sub —station.
To Wm. Hansen, Island Drive, from Dan Nowak, dated 10/9/73, regarding an addition
' on his home without a Building Permit.
Aid. Ford moved to adjourn, seconded by Aid. Wallner, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:48 P.M.
Respect{ fly submitted,
R chard M. Knudsen, Sec'y.