PWM19730809PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 9, 1973 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ford at 7:50 P.M. Also present were Aldermen Knudsen and Wallner and Mayor Gottfried. Mr. Melvin Daliege and Mr. George Kostka appeared at the meeting to discuss the possibility of the city using their property on the west side of Gold Drive as a dredging fill site. Ald. Knudsen will again try to contact Mr. Clarence Froelich. The committee reviewed a communication from the State of Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources, directed to Mayor Gottfried, dated 7/27/73 regarding the subject of the waste compactor being removed from the dump site. The letter indicated that the compactor had been removed for repair and was now back in operation. The area will be observed to see that the site is not operated without a compactor for any extended period of time in the future. A communication from the Waukesha County Dept. of Health, dated 7/19/73 directed to Mayor Gottfried was reviewed indicating that summer sanitarian aides will begin an environmental survey of all premises around Big Muskego •Lake during the week of July 23 thru 27th, 1973, for the inspection of all private sewage disposal systems and locations of private wells. Mayor Gottfried advised that a communication had been received from the DNR reporting that the ground water in the vicinity of the dump site was not contaminated. A communication was received from Building Inspector Lee advising the committee on the disposition of some of the previous violations reported to this committee. The following correspondence was reviewed and placed on file: From Gerald Lee to Clyde Miller, Lynoak Ct., dated 7/16/73 regarding occupancy of a dwelling without an Occupancy Certificate. From Gerald Lee to Ronald Biedrzycki, Woods Road, dated 8/3/73 regarding the keeping of fowl on a lot less than 120,000 sq. ft. The same letter was also directed to Walter Strobel on Southern Drive and to Gilbert Hough on Lannon Drive. To William Schmitt, Surveyor, from Wm. Robb, dated 7/19/73, regarding soil • boring test of the Aud-Mar Supper Club. To Richard Leighton, Valley Drive, from Assistant Bldg. Inspector Dan Nowak dated 8/l/73 regarding fencing requirements of swimming pool. To Attorney Buckley from Gerald Lee, dated 7/31/73 regarding equipment and material stored at 5100 W13475 Loomis Road. To Tri-town Homes and Jerry Moffitt, from Dan Nowak, dated 7/3/73 regarding the lack of several necessary items on new home at S76 W20201 Ridge Road. Zoning Officer's Reports on Jack Strasser, S76 W17871 Janesville Road and Herds's Service Station, S76 W17833 Janesville Road, regarding complaints of junk, paper and tires stored in an unsightly manner, were reviewed and placed on file. • Public Welfare Committee - Contd. City of Muskego - 8/9/73 From Gerald Lee to Ray Gray of Rite Realty Co., dated 8/3/73, requesting well data (after the well is drilled) such as pumping test log, alignment measurements, well constructor's report, pump specification and pump curve, chemical analysis of the water and bacteriological report on the water, prior to approval for occupancy certificates in Durham Meadows and Hale Park Meadows Subdivisions. 40 The committee reviewed the information obtained by Ald. Ford on weed cutting on Big Muskego, Little Muskego and Lake Denoon. The possibility of creating a sanitary district similar to ones in other communities was generally agreed on by the committee. The committee requested Mayor Gottfried to contact City Attorney Buckley on the procedure of creating such a district. • Ald. Knudsen moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Wallner, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, MOKnud n, Sw e 'y WV /iP