• The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Ford. Also
present were Aldermen Wallner and Knudsen and Mayor Gottfried.
Attorney Jack Radtke and Mr. Don Polzin, representing Hoffman, Polzin
and Becker, appeared at the meeting for the purpose of discussing the
possibility of waiving the 65% limitation on their proposed development
on McShane Road in lieu of a total of 144 units.
The DNR has agreed to make an inspection of the problem of the dump
regarding &o compactor at the site and garbage in the water.
Ald. Ford will draft a letter to the property owners adjacent to Gold
Drive that would be involved in the proposed RSA- Planned Development
zoning - these property owners to be invited to attend the next Welfare
Committee meeting to discuss the matter further.
Zoning Officer Lee has contacted the owner of Herda's "76" Station
on Highway 24 regarding tires, paper, etc. The owner has agreed to clean
up the debris.
Ald. Ford reported on weed cutters that are used on various lakes in
• the state. No action was taken.
The following correspondence was reviewed and placed on file.
From Gerald Lee, directed to North American Construction Co., dated 7/10/73
regarding his recommendations to Parkland Plaza Development.
From Gerald Lee, directed to Roy Jacobsen, dated 7/10/73, regarding
failure to install electrical ground.
From Gerald Lee, directed to City Attorney Buckley, dated 7/11/73, re-
questing condemnation orders be issued on a garage owned by A. Beringer.
From Gerald Lee, directed to George Machkovich, dated 7/11/73, regarding
three lots in MacLen Meadows Subdivision.
From Gerald Lee, directed to Excellency Homes, dated 7/12/73, regarding
incompletion of home at W168 56967 Parkland Dr.
From Mangiamele & Associates, directed to City Council, dated 7/17/73,
regarding holding area for lake dredgings - west of Gold Drive.
To Waste Management, Inc., from Mayor Gottfried, dated 7/12/73, regarding
• mufflers on Hendrickson Trucks.
Ald. Knudsen moved to adjourn, seconded by.Ald. Ford, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:47 P.M.
[Respectfully su mitted,
Richard M. Knudsen, Sec'y.
Public Welfare Committee