is The meeting was called to order at 730 P.M. Present were Ald. Wallner,
Ald. Knudsen and Mayor Gottfried.
The committee is awaiting word from City Attorney Buckley regarding the
status of gravel pit owned by Norman Thomas on the corner of Hillendale
and Tans Drives as it relates to the restoration bond.
Waste Management has advised the city that during the month of May they
transported 333.9 tons of refuse per day and they average 22.2 loads per
day to the Wauer Landfill.
The Welfare Committee to contact the DNR regarding the status of the
Wauer Landfill regarding garbage in water and no compactor on the site
as of 6/20/73.
The committee is still awaiting word from Attorney Buckley regarding the
Minimum Housing Code Board of Appeals.
Ald. Knudsen is to continue in his efforts to contact Clarence Froehlich
regarding the use of his property for dredged materials.
Ald. Foldy advised the committee that the fence on the Wm. Ferber property
has not been repaired and he also advised the committee of the several
sumps discharging sewage into the drainage ditch near Kipling and Hwy. 24.
The matter was referred to Building Inspector Lee.
The committee is still awaiting neighborhood plan from Dr. Mangiamele
in the vicinity of Gold Drive.
The following correspondence was received and placed on file:
From Sam Lawent, directed to Gerald Lee, dated 6/19/73, regarding the razing
of a dwelling on Janesville Rd.
From Waste Management of Wis., Inc, directed to Mayor Gottfried, dated
6/19/73, advising of units transported during May.
From Daniel Nowak to Ken Liebel, dated 6/14/73, regarding incompleted
fence along his west property line.
From Gerald Lee, to Joseph Pawelski, dated 6/13/73, regarding off-street
parking on Gold Drive.
From Gerald Lee to Rodney Severson, dated 6/13/73, regarding parking
requirements for single family residences on Gold Drive.
From Gerald Lee to James Mather, dated 6/8/73, regarding parking on Gold Dr.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Respec fully s bmitted,
'chard M. Knudsen, Secy.