PWM19730607PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NNE 7, 1973 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ford at 9:35 P.M. Also present were Aldermen Wallner, Knudsen, Czarnecki and Foldy and Mayor Gottfried and Gerald Lee. The committee discussed the problems created by cars parking on Gold Drive south of Lembezeder Drive. Building Inspector Lee was directed to review the problem as it relates to Sec. 6.04 of Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code. It was also the decision of the committee to ask the Police Dept. to contact the violators in the hope that the erection of "No Parking" signs can be avoided. Ten (10) Zoning violations were reviewed and placed on file. Communication received from Thomas Disposal Service, Inc., directed to Welfare Committee, dated 5/21/73, advising that they have requested data from DNR regarding wells that are within k mile of the gravel pit. The committee reviewed correspondence from City Planning Consultant • regarding holding area for lake dredging west of Gold Drive. Chairman Ford moved that the Minimum Housing Code shall be enforced on a selective basis as complaints arise. Seconded by Aid. Wallner. Aid. Ford moved to defer action to give the Mayor time to determine what is required for Appeal Board. Seconded by Aid. Knudsen. Motion carried. Aid. Knudsen moved to adjourn, seconded by Aid. Wallner, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Respec fully ubmitted Richard M. Knudsen, Sec'y. RMK/ j e