The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ford at 8:17 P.M. Also
present were Aldermen Wallner and Knudsen.
Ald. Knudsen moved to have the City Attorney take the necessary steps
to enforce the bond on the Gravel, Inc. site now owned by Norman
Thomas in approximately 30 days if a permit is not to be secured with
the Dept. of Natural Resources. Seconded by Ald. Wallner, motion
The committee would like Building Inspector Lee to review the property
in the area of Gold Dr. and Lembezeder Dr. regarding people parking on
the road.
The Welfare Committee is requesting Building Inspector Lee to look into
the matter of the excavation filled with water on one of the Hanagan
lots on Gold Drive.
The committee will try to contact Clarence Froehlich regarding the
possibility of using his property west of Gold Drive as a muck deposit
site for the dredgings from Little Muskego Lake.
• The committee will invite Gerald Lee to the next meeting of the committee
for the purpose of discussing the Minimum Housing Code.
The Welfare Committee will ask City Attorney Buckley whether or not
we can charge a different launching fee for residents than people
living outside of the city at Idle Isle Beach. The question is being
asked because the island was purchased partially with money from the
federal government.
The committee received information that Waste Management is having their
insurance as well as their waivers reviewed for liability for persons
going into the dump.
The following correspondence was reviewed and placed on file.
1. From Wm. Robb, Plumbing Inspector, to Anton Beringer, dated 4/17/73
regarding violation of State Plumbing Code.
2. From Plumbing Inspector Robb to Ronald Jozwiak, dated 4/18/73, regarding
the filling of his unused septic tank.
3. From Ass't Bldg. Inspector Nowak to Loretta Yanney, dated 5/4/73,
advising her of necessary Plan Commission approval prior to change
in site conditions.
• 4. To Richard Grandam, from Dan Nowak, dated 5/4/73, regarding removal
of rubbish.
5. To Donald Axtmann from Wm. Robb, dated 5/3/73, regarding the filling
of unused septic tank.
6. To Harmony Homes, Inc. from Dan Nowak, dated 5/2/73, regarding the
placing of "Stop Work Order" on house on Gold Dr.
7. To Elmer Gumieny from Gerald Lee, dated 5/2/73, regarding failure to
cover exposed fill with sod or seed.
8. To Geboy Well Drilling from Wm. Robb, dated 5/8/73, regarding a
plumbing violation.
9. To Mayor Gottfried, from Wastemenagement, Inc., dated 5/8/73, advising
of amount of material transported to Muskego Landfill during month of
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.