DECEMBER 20, 1972
The meeting was called to order at 9:15 P.M. Present were
Aldermen Dumke, Knudsen, Foldy and Ford, and Mayor Gottfried.
The purpose of the meeting was to review the final draft of
the proposed agreement between Wauer, Waste Management, Inc.,
and the City of Muskego.
During the review the following suggested changes were proposed:
1. In the event a more economical and more efficient method
of disposing of refuse is found which is mutually agree-
able to all parties this contract can be re -opened for
new negotiations.
2. Hours of the day in which the dump is open to the public
will conform to the hours which Acme proposes to operate
the dump.
3. Instead of talking about daily average tonnage of 600
tons, it has been changed to daily tonnage limited to
600 tons.
4. Recognizing the need to continue the exploration of
effectiveness and acceptability of recycling, Acme
will agree to provide separate containers at the site
for marketable materials. These materials would then
be hauled to market and the proceeds will be returned
to the city which will be used for park development
purposes. This proposal will be given a one year trial
period to determine its acceptability and feasibility.
At the end of that year the city and Acme will evaluate
the program.
5. Rather than wait until 1975 for the final payment of the
$26,000.00 which Acme is making to the city, it should be
paid at once.
These suggested changes will be referred to Wauer and Waste
Management, Inc, for their consideration.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Acting Sec'y.