PWM19720524PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 241 1972 The meeting was called to order at 8:59 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also present were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Ford, Knudsen and Sapp and Chief Kraus. The minutes of the previous meeting, held on 5/17/72 were reviewed and placed on file. • The matter of the unsightly garage at the end of Lochcrest Drive was again discussed. Aid. Knudsen moved to request that the Welfare Committee direct Building Inspector Lee to start condemnation action. The motion died for lack of a second. It was the opinion of the other members of the Committee that since the owner of the garage has made some attempts to improve the structure by painting and patching, the city would be hard pressed to make the condemnation order stick. Two (2) junked car violations were reviewed and placed on file. Aid. Dumke requested reconsideration of the Municipal Code covering the hours during which target, trap and skeet shooting is permitted. At the present time, Sec. 9.02 (c) allows shooting from sunrise to 10:30 P.M. •Aid. Knudsen moved to recommend that the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee initiate an ordinance change alaowing shooting during the hours of 10:00 AM to 10:30 P.M. only. Seconded by Aid. Sapp. Motion carried. Aid. Ford requested that the city take some action against the City of New Berlin to force them to take steps to alleviate the flowage of polluted waters into our city. The committee will request that Mr. Herb Ripley of the Waukesha County Health Department and Mr. Bernard Schultz of the Dept. of Natural Resources attend a future meeting to suggest the steps that we should take. Mayor Gottfried will contact both gentlemen to set a meeting date in the near future. Aid. Ford advised the committee that he recently viewed many septic violations in the Bay Lawn and Freedom Acres Subdivisions and indicated that these areas are badly in need of sewers. Mayor Gottfried suggested that a letter be sent to all citizens advising them of the Municipal Codes covering the licensing of dogs and junked car violations. Mayor Gottfried will draft a letter and submit it to the committee. Further discussion on the Acme-Wauer-City of Muskego Agreement was held. • Aid. Sapp moved to adjourn. Seconded by Aid. Knudsen. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. • LS/je Respectfully submitted, Lois Sapp, Sec'y. Public Welfare Committee