The meeting was called to order by Chairman Foldy at 8:30 P.M. Also
present were Aldermen DeBack, Schaumberg and Narlock.
Mr. Ed. Kumm, Woods Road, appeared at the meeting with a certified survey
map of his property on Woods Road showing a front footage of 440.77 feet
He stated that he had been assessed for 464 feet of frontage. The matter
was referred to Ruekert & Mielke for review.
Mr. Donald Axtmann, representing the Jaycees, appeared at the meeting
regarding the naming of nn i.sLand :Lit Little Muskego Lnke "Jaycee I:;l.nnd"
The island in question is located just south of Idle Isle and about 40
feet in diameter. Mr. Axtmann stated that his organization will expend
$150.00 in cash and supply labor to keep the island .From washing away.
Ald. DeBack moved to recommend Common Council approval that the island
be named "JAYCEE ISLAND"".. Seconded by Ald. Schaumberg, motion carried.
Mrs. Phylis Lyons, Agate Drive, appeared regarding her assessment in the
amount of $4,630.16 (Assessment # F 129 and F130). The minutes of the
meeting held on October 19, 1970, were referred to. At that meeting a
motion was made and carried providing that if Mrs. Lyons combined her
lots (Lot 1 and Lot 2, Blk 4 - Jewel Crest Subdivision) into one parcel
that a corner lot policy would be used. Ald. DeBack moved, as seconded by
Ald. Schaumberg, that the city follow through on the original decision
of the committee. Motion carried.
The Committee discussed the Clair Smith front footage assessment.
The following claims were discussed:
Wayne Hanzel - Auto damage. Referred to United Sewer & Water
Lorance Glarein - Auto damage. Referred to United Sewer & Water
Anthony Martino - damage to fence - Referred to Ed Ryan, Inc.
It was the unanimous decision of the committee that the Irving Fisher
and Douglas O'Grady assessments in Belmont Greens Subdivision be re-
adjusted in accordance with a recommendation of Ruckert & Mielke.
In regard to a statement received from Tim Kirchner, Glenbrook Subdivision,
for a problem with his well, it was the committee's decision that according
to policy that had been established, the city is not responsible for. wells.
The following correspondence was reviewed:
From Barricade Flasher Service, Inc., dated 1/1-4/72, regarding out-
standing invoices.
From the Parker Company, dated 1/17/72, requesting extension of time
over the winter months. Letter referred to Ruekert & Mielke.
Ald. DeBack to contact Ruekert & Mielke regarding questions by their
firm regarding sewer installation in the Lake Denoon area.
Correspondence from Ruekert & Mielke directed to Andrew Egofski, dated
12/3/71, regarding authorization for him to drill well at the northeast
wastewater treatment plant, was reviewed and placed on file.
Correspondence reviewed from E.P.A. indicating partial payment in the
amount of $42,100.00 be being processed (Project WPC WIS 511). Same
placed on file.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul. Schaumberg, Sec'y.