The meeting was called to order by Chairman Foldy at 7:05 P.M. Also
present were Aldermen Schaumberg and DeBack, Mayor Gottfried and Building
Inspector Lee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file.
Discussion took place regarding the removal of the Couture Building
and the residence located on Janesville Road. Committee is awaiting
an answer from Mr. Couture regarding same.
Communications from the following people were received:
Marcella Hansen, Jewel Crest Dr., regarding corrected assessment.
Flora Petzak, Jewel Crest Dr., regarding restoration of lot and Drive.
(Mayor Gottfried to check)
Ruekert & Mielke communication directed to Cape Const. Co. regarding
completion of MSS-5-70 Project.
From EPA regarding Sewer Extension Policy
From City Attorney Buckley regarding explanation of refunds paid in error.
From Engineer Barry to all sewer contractors regarding care of roads.
• The penalty clause of the sewer contracts was discussed and discussion
took place as to the liability of the Ohio Casulty Co. and whether or
not they can be charggd a penalty.
The Committee is requesting a status report of all sewer contractors
at least once a month.
The Committee agreed to review the Sewer Service Charge Ordinance at
their next meeting.
Preliminary Report from Consulting Engineers regarding sewer installation
for Freedom Acres and Bay Lawn Subdivisions was revtived.
Ald. Schaumberg moved, as seconded by Ald. Foldy, that bids be advertised
for sewer lateral for residence south of Lakeside Tool Building on Pioneer
Drive. Motion carried.
Mr. Richard Anderley appeared at the meeting to discuss the possibility
of a city ordinance to have all dogs within the city receive rabies shots.
Mayor Gottfried to contact LaCrosse, Wis. for a copy of their ordinance.
Also to contact Waukesha County Health Dept. for number of rabies cases
in the last 10 years.
• Thirteen (13) zoning violations were reviewed and placed on file.
Committee will view the David Olenchek summer cottage on Lake St. on
Monday, August 30, 1971, at 6:45 P.M.
The Sewer Assessment for George Guhr on the corners of Durham and Cornell
Drives was discussed.
Ald. DeBack moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Foldy, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Schaumberg, Sec'y.
Sewer/Welfare Committee