Chairman Burgermeister called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M. Also
present were Aldermen Dwyer, Wollman and Mayor Gottfried.
The minutes of the meeting held on October 22, 1970, were approved and
placed on file.
Two (2) Junk car violations were reviewed and placed on file.
One (1) Electrical Code violation was reviewed and placed on file.
One (1) Plumbing Code violation was reviewed and placed on file.
Three (3) Zoning violations were reviewed and placed on file. Also the
drainage problem at the Donald Carpenter residence at W188 S7702 Oak
Grove Dr. was referred to the Public Works Committee for corrective action.
Chairman Burgermeister reported to the committee that a combined meeting
of the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee and Public Welfare Committee
will be held to discuss the operation of the City Dump. Ald. Narlock,
Chairman of the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee will schedule this
• A letter dated]November 3, 1970, from Chairman Burgermeister to Mr.
Richard Ford, 9720 W. Bluemound Rd., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, regarding
the decision of the Park and Recreation Board made concerning the
purchase of additional park land was read and placed on file.
A letter dated November 2, 1970, from Mr. Richard Anderly, President of
the Little Muskego Lake Association, urging the purchase of a dredge
for the lakes of the City of Muskego was read and placed on file.
The condition of a cottage located at W166 S8090 Pellman Lane, which is
owned by Mr. Albert Hernke, W166 S8076 Pellman Lane, was discussed. Dwyer
moved to start condemnation action on this cottage. Wollman seconded.
Motion carried. This cottage had been tagged "unfit for human habitation"
on June 7, 1962. Building Inspector to correspond with City Attorney
The Committee discussed the Mac Aillo condemnation action, S104 W15430
Loomis Drive. Inspector Lee reported, through a memorandum, that he
needed approval from the committee to remove these buildings. Wollman
moved to authorize the Building Inspector to remove the condemned
buildings located at S104 W15430 Loomis Drive. Dwyer seconded, motion
• The proposal for the Feasibility Study for a City-wide trash pick-up system
was discussed. Previous cost studies for city-wide trash pick-up also
were discussed. The committee recommended that the citizens of extend
their use of the City Dump. Its location, conditions to use and its
physical appearance will be publicized in the next City of Muskego Newsletter
The request by the Police Department that the Public Safety Committee study
the feasibility of establishing an ordinance which would require house
numbers on the lake side property on the three lakes in the City, was read
and placed on file.
Ald. Foldy appeared before the committee to register a complaint about a
public nuisance, citizens dumping refuse, garbage and junk on the empty
lots in the City of Muskego. The committee, in the next City of Muskego
Newsletter, will inform citizens that littering is prohibited by City
Ordinance 9.17 and extol the advantages of using the City Dump instead
of littering.
Dwyer moved to adjourn the meeting. Wollman seconded. Meeting adjourned
at 8:10 P.M.
Respectful submitted,
J n E. Dwyer, Sdc'y.