Chairman Burgermeister called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Also
present were Aldermen Dwyer, Wollman and Building Inspector Lee.
The Minutes of the meeting held on October 8, 1970, were approved and
• placed on file.
Three (3) zoning violations were reviewed and placed on file.
Two (2) junk car violations were reviewed and placed on file.
The complaint filed by Mr. Rexal Millian, W203 511082 S. Denoon Rd.
regarding a fence constructed by Mr. Andrew Scianq,W20408 S110 S.
Denoon Road, was discussed. The following action will be initiated
to answer the complaint: (1) The Building Inspector will review the
section of chain link fence for zoning violations and take corrective
action. (2) The land fill of the lake frontage on the Sciano property
will be reported to the Dept. of Natural Resources by the Building
Inspector to determine if a violation had occurred. (3) The City
Tax Assessor will review the area to determine if a reassessment of
property in this area is warranted because of the fence. Mayor
Gottfried to communicate with the Building Inspector and Assessor.
Two letters from Mr. George Vogel, S74 W20976 Field Dr., one dated
October 19, 1970, to City Attorney Buckley, and the other dated
October 21, 1970, to Alderman Narlock, regarding the "obstructions"
on Wauer Lane were read and:placed on file.
A letter from George Vogel, S74 W20976 Field Dr., dated October 21, 1970,
to Mayor Gottfried regarding the City Dump, and to request a Public
Hearing on the City Dump problems, was read and placed on file. The
Committee is planning to hold a Public Hearing on the operation of
the City Dump, and will request that City Attorney Buckley be present
at the meeting.
A letter, dated October 10, 1970, from Mr. Fred Korthoff, President
of Fred Korthoff Pools, Inc., 17075 W. Loomis Rd., regarding a sign
violation appear #70-108, was read and placed on file.
Vernon Wood Products, Inc., was granted permission by the Committee
to install equipment and redecorate the exterior of the building
located at S66 W14541 Janesville Rd.
• Wollman moved to adjourn the meeting. Dwyer seconded. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
J n E. Dwyer, Sec'y.. /
JD/ j e