Chairman Burgermeister called the meeting to order at 6:40 P.M. Also
present were Aldermen Dwyer, Wollman, Building Inspector Lee and Mayor
The minutes of the meeting held on September 3, 1970, were approved
• and placed on file.
Five (5) zoning violations were reviewed and placed on file.
Three (3) junk car violations were reviewed and placed on file.
One (1) sign violation was reviewed and placed on file.
One (1) Electrical Code violation was reviewed and placed on file.
The proposed Park & Recreation Budget for 1971 was reviewed by the
Committee. Wollman moved to accept the adjusted budget excluding
Accounts #583.083, Land Acquisition, and #583.086, Building Fund.
Dwyer seconded. Motion carried. Chairman Burgermeister had requested
that these two accounts be excluded from the budget until additional
• information could be obtained for the cost of the building at Kurth
Park and land acquisition program for Ward # 1.
A letter dated September 15, 1970, from Inspector Lee to Mr. Jeff Buck
regarding the city's intention to raze a condemned frame dwelling at
W187 S6444 Diamond Dr. was read and placed on file.
Inspector Lee discussed the Mac Aillo, S104 W15430 Loomis Rd. condemnation
action with the committee. Mr. Lee stated that City Attorney Buckley
had given him verbal notice to tear down the condemned building.
Inspector Lee informed the committee that City Attorney Buckley has
started action to obtain a court order to tear down the condemned
building at W184 S6652 Jewel Crest Drive. This is the former Martin
residence on which the Ladish Company Credit Union has a mortgage.
Inspector Lee reported that City Attorney Buckley is serving notice on
Mrs. Viola Kurtz, S81 W17005 Woods Road, to tear down a condemned
summer cottage within thirty (30) days, or the city will take action
to demolish the cottage.
Mayor Gottfried reported to the committee that he has received a number
of complaints about the appearance and condition of a building owned by
Charles Fickau located at S66 W14541 Janesville Rd. The complaints are
requesting that the structure be condemned. Dwyer moved to have
Inspector Lee review the structure and report back to the Committee.
Wollman seconded. Motion carried.
Inspector Lee reported that City Attorney Buckley has started court
action against Muskego Shopping Center for their failure to comply with
a Plumbing Code violation.
Dwyer moved to adjourn. Wollman seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
John E. Dwyer, 2ly.
Public Welfare Committee