Chairman Burgermeister called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M.
Also present were Aldermen Dwyer, Wollman, Mayor Gottfried and Building
Inspector Lee.
The minutes of the meeting held July 23, 1970, were reviewed and placed
. on file.
Five (5) Zoning violations were reviewed and placed on file.
One (1) Electrical Code violation was reviewed and placed on file.
One (1) Junk Car violation was reviewed and placed on file.
A letter from the Waukesha County Dept. of Health, dated July 24, 1970,
to Gerald P. Lee, appointing him an authorized Agent of this Dept. for
the City of Muskego, was reviewed and placed on file.
A letter to Mr. Milford Foth, S78 W18755 Janesville Rd., dated August 5, 1970
from Inspector Lee regarding a violation of the Subdivision Control
Ordinance, was reviewed. The violation was referred to the Plan Commission.
Is A letter from City Attorney Buckley, dated July 7, 1970, regarding the
condemnation of the H. Martin house, W184 S6652 Jewel Crest Drive, was
reviewed. Wollman moved to have City Attorney Buckley seek a court
order for the city on this condemnation action. Dwyer seconded. Motion
carried. Inspector Lee to correspond with the City Attorney.
Inspector Lee discussed with the committee the Mac Aillo condemnation
action, S104 W15430 Loomis Drive. This condemnation action is more than
two years old and to this date the buildings have not been razed. The
committee recommended that Inspector Lee correspond with City Attorney
Buckley to obtain an opinion as to what action the city should take to
complete this confemnation action.
Inspector Lee discussed with the committee the possibility of closing
Lion Park Drive for Parking of cars, on Sept. 16, 1970, from 9:30 A.M.
to 12:00 P.M. This is the day that the Lions Park will be dedicated to
the city. Inspector Lee also indicated a roadway would be kept open for
emergency vehicles and for those people who reside on Lion Park Drive.
Burgermeister moved for closing Lion Park Drive on September 16, 1970, and
referred the closing to the Public Works Committee. Dwyer seconded.
Motion carried.
The committee set a tentative date of September 11, 1970, for the
• publication date of the second city of Muskego Newsletter for 1970.
Mr. E. Browne, S74 W17364 Lake Drive, appeared before the committee to
complain about a $25.00 charge for a rescue call that had been added
to his tax bill. Burgermeister referred his complaint to the Public
Safety Committee.
The committee made two audits of the City Dump and Muskego Rendering
Company looking for Zoning Violations. None were evident.
Dwyer moved to adjourn. Wollman seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:15
Respectfu submitted,
ohn E. Dwyer, ec'y.
Public Welfare Committee
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