PWM19700507PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE CITY OF MUSREGO 0 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 7, 1970 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Burgermeister at 8:10 P.M. Also present were Aldermen DeBack, Foldy, Narlock and Sapp, Mayor Gottfried, Building Inspector Lee and members of the Park and Recreation Board. Mr. Carl Wauer appeared at the meeting regarding correspondence received from the State Board of Health regarding the operation of the City Dump. Action was deferred until the Committee has a chance to study the State's requirements and a decision will be made after more information is received and the matter is further discussed with Mr. Wauer at the next meeting which will be held on May 21, 1970. Discussion took place regarding the operation of Idle Isle, either by the Park and Recreation Board or by a possible lease to non-profit organizations within the City. It had been the intent of the Park and Recreation Board, by a vote taken at their April meeting, not to open Idle Isle until a complete study could be *ode regarding cost and type of operation desired. Mr. Richard Anderly, President of the Little Muskego Lake Association, appeared at the meeting and lengthy discussion •took place if his organization leased the park and how it could be best operated. 0 Ald. Burgermeister advised that the Lions Club and the Little Muskego Yacht Club has also shown their intent to lease the park from the city. No action will be taken on this matter until these organizations can advise their membership and a vote be taken as to whether or not they would accept the city's proposal. The Park and Recreation Board, along with these three organizations, will meet with this committee at the next meeting held on May 21, 1970, and action will then be taken. The minutes of the meeting held on April 23, 1970, were reviewed and placed on file. Nine (9) Zoning violations were read and placed on file. Six (6) Junk car violations were read and placed on file. Ald. Wollman moved, seconded by Ald. Burgermeister, to recommend to the Council that a resolution be adopted appointing the Building Inspector and the Assistant Building Inspector as agents for Waukesha C County to issue permits for the installation of septic tanks. Motion carried. Ald. Wollman moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ald. Burgermeister. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. RB/je Respectfully submitted, Gas Bur ermeister, Sec'y.