PWM19690820PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 20, 1969 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Wollman. Also present were Aldermen Burgermeister, O'Connell, Narlock and Sapp. 40 The minutes of the meeting held on August 6, 1969 were read and placed on file. Mr. Carl Wauer and Mr. and Mrs. J. Halbrucker, along with a representative of Air Chemical Company, appeared at the meeting regarding the conditions at the City Dump and the Wauer Rendering Plant. Mr. Wauer advised that he had been using odor controlling chemicals in the cookers and it was his intention to begin using them in the stack on the following day. The Representative of the Air Chemical Company expl4 ined the effect these chemicals would have on the odors and it was^eeling that Mr. Wauer was very concerned and was doing everything within reason to eliminate same. Mr. and Mr. Halbrucker indicated that for the past month or so there had been very little, in any, odor and they felt too that • Mr. Wauer was cooperating as much as possible. Conditions of the dump were discussed and it was the opinion of the Committee that Mr. Wauer was upholding his agreement with the City. Mr. Wauer reported that many times he has found garbage and refuse dumped outside the dump, in the ditches, and recently someone had dumped garbage on the street. Reports have been made to the Police Department and a follow-up will be made by the Committee in an attempt to aprehend persons responsible for such violations. Ald. Burgermeister moved to adjourn, seconded by A1d. O'Connell. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, R. A. Burg rmeister, Sec'y. CITY OF MUSKEGO