PWM19690507PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 7, 1969 Present were Chairman Wollman, Ald. Sapp and Ald. Burgermeister. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. Minutes of meeting held April 16, 1969 were approved and placed on • file. Mr. Arthur Heiden appeared before committee in regard to damage done by the Wis. Natural Gas Co. (Kenwood Co. -Sub -Contractor) in installing gas mains on Muskego Dr. He reported that the company had broken a driveway marker and had been informed on same repeatedly, but to no avail. It was his feeling that this should be brought to the city's attention that damages have been occurring and no action being taken by the contractors. He also advised the committee that on the drainage ditch one lot to the north of his home on Muskego Dr., the banks had been broken down and there has been no effort made to correct the situation which he felt would cause considerable problems for the Public Works Dept. Ch. Wollman requested that Mr. Heiden appear at the Public Works Committee meeting in an attempt to have his complaints rectified. Discussion also took place regarding the Gas Co. not taking out a Performance Bond with the city, but it was felt that possibly no further permits should be issued to them until they correct the damages done on past installations. Four (4) junk car violations were read and placed on file. Letter regarding corrective action at the Altmann residence on Muskego Drive was received and placed on file. Motion by Ald. Burgermeister, seconded by Ch. Wollman, to have Public Works Supt. take count on number of city entrance signs necessary, reporting his findings to the Finance Committee, so purchases could be made as soon as possible. Motion carried. Ald. Burgermeister reported that the Park and Recreation Board had approved the plans for a building at Kurth Park and were having prints made for City Engineer approval, as well State approval, and for the Finance Committee to let bids as soon as prints were returned. It was the Committee's recommendation that the letting of bids be expedited as soon as possible after prints are returned in order that building may be completed by late summer or early fall. Motion to adjourn by Ald. Burgermeister, seconded by Ch. Wollman. • Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, R.'A. Burge�zmeister, Sec'y. • PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE RB/je