PWM19681113PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 13, 1968 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. Present were Chairman Wollman, Aldermen Burgermeister and Linck. Minutes of meeting held 10/28/68 were read, approved and placed on • file. Three (3) Zoning violations were read and placed on file. Three (3) Junked auto violations were read and placed on file. Motion by Ald. Burgermeister to delete $6,000.00 under the 1969 Park and Recreation Capital Outlay, Land Acquisition, and also as recommended under meeting of 9/16/68, that the $3,000.00 of 1968 Budget, previously requested to be placed in a reserve account for land acquisition during 1969, be transferred to Unappropriated Surplus for 1968. Also, that the $9,958.00 already in the Reserve Accounts of Park and Recreation Capital Outlay Land Acquisition be transferred to Unappropriated Surplus. Seconded by Chairman Wollman, motion carried. Letter from Ruekert & Mielke of 5/25/68 and State of Wisconsin Dept. • of Transportation letter of 10/22/68 were read and discussed. It is requested by Committee that the Engineer report his studies as requested under letter of 10/22/68. It is recommended by Committee that the Plan Commission and Planner highly reconsider the proposed Civic Center Site and take into consideration a site to the east of the proposed Parkland Plaza Shopping Center and west of the area that is commonly known as Tess Corners Hill, off of,or abutting Highway 24. It was strongly recommended by Committee that before any further consideration and/or action on the proposed Comprehensive Plan Revision be taken, that reports of and Minutes of the Industrial Site Committee be afforded both the Plan Commission and the Common Council in order that their suggestions are also taken into consideration. Ch. Wollman to set a date with Committee to view site at S76 W18115 Janesville Road regarding the house before any action to be taken by Building Inspector Lee. Accounts 502 and 503 were discussed and it was the feeling of the Committee that the $5,000.00 shown as Other Salaries under Treasurer • Acct. #503 should be transferred to Clerk -Comptroller Acct. #502 under Other Salaries. Ordinance #128 was discussed at length regarding the charges of sewer useage fee as proposed under Ordinance #127 and it was again the feeling of the Committee that the charges were too high, unless figures could and would be presented by Mr. Brussat and Mr. Hammond • to prove otherwise. Motion by Ald. Burgermeister to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Ch. Wollman. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M. RReespppe-c%tfully submitted, Sec'y. PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE RR tic \