PWM19680903• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 3, 1968 The meeting was called to order at 7:02 P.M. Present were Chairman Wollman, Aldermen Cooley and Burgermeister, Building Inspector Lee and Mr. Gottfried. Mayor Wieselmann arrived at 7:26 P.M. Minutes of meeting held August 19, 1968 were approved as read and placed on file. Six (6) zoning violations were read and placed on file. Motion by Aid. Burgermeister, seconded by Aid. Cooley, that the Meta Mueller property on Lake Drive which has debris from burned building and weeds be cleaned up by the Public Works Dept. and same be charged to the Tax Rolls of same. Motion carried. • Building Inspector Lee to contact two (2) Junk Yards in regard to charges for towing junk vehicles and the cost per day for storage of same and report back to Committee. Motion by Aid. Cooley, seconded by Aid. Burgermeister in reference to Ordinance 114, Paragraph (6), 2nd 1st line be amended to read "PENALTY" in lieu of "FINE". Motion carried. Motion by Aid. Burgermeister, seconded by Aid. Cooley, that the Public Works Department make an estimate as to the cost of installing sewers from Horn Field Buildings to the Racine Avenue Sanitary Sewer. Motion carried. Aid. Cooley requested that a report be afforded by the Sewer Committee as to the results of the Sanitary Sewer Study by the Engineer in regard to Resolution #176 and #90-68. It was requested by the. Committee of the Grand Opening of Racine Avenue that the City obtain permission from the property owners for using their properties for shooting the fireworks in conjunction with this event. Mr. Nick Cinquemani had requested the following sites: Dandelion Park and Lazynski-Beck property would be the better site. • Aid. Burgermeister to contact owners for said permission. (Permission was granted verbally by telephone on 9/4/68 by Mr. Lazynski). Motion to adjourn by Aid. Cooley, seconded by Chr. Wollman. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:21 P.M. Respectfully submitted, R. A. Burg rmeister, Sec'y. PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE RB/je