The meeting was called to order at 7:25 P.M.
Present were Chairman Wollman, Aldermen Cooley and Burgermeister and
Building Inspector Lee.
Minutes of meeting held July 15, 1968 were approved as read and placed
on file.
Ten (10) zoning violations were read and placed on file.
The Committee viewed property at corner of Lake Dr. and Lannon Dr.
regarding the debris left after house was burned for practice by the
Fire Department. Motion made by Ald. Cooley and seconded by Ald.
Wollman that the Attorney for Mrs. Mueller be contacted regarding
the cleaning up of the debris and having the weeds cut or the City
would do so and bill the owner. Action to be taken by Building
Inspector Lee. Motion carried.
• Motion made by Ald. Cooley and seconded by Ald. Burgermeister that
the property at S104 W15430 Loomis Drive be condemned. Action to be
taken by Building Inspector. Motion carried.
Motion made by Ald. Wollman and seconded by Ald. Cooley that letters
be written by City Clerk to Mr. George Small and the State Sand and
Gravel thanking them for their cooperation and the use of their property
for City Entrance Signs. Motion carried.
Ald. Wollman advised that he had been contacted by the Chairman of the
School Board regarding a joint meeting of School Board, Welfare Committee
and Park and Recreation Board to discuss future useage of school property
for playground and recreational areas during the summer months. Ald.
Wollman to advise School Board that Committee was in agreement with
this recommendation and would enjoy a joint meeting at their earliest
Ald. Cooley moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Wollman, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
R. A. Burgermeister, Sec'y.