Chairman Wollman called the meeting to order at 7:14 P.M. Also present
was Alderman Burgermeister.
Mayor Wieselmann appeared at 7:30 P.M.
The Minutes of the meeting held on May 16, 1968 were approved and
rplaced on file.
Mr. James O'Neil of Garnet Dr. appeared in behalf of himself and
neighbors with regards to Mr. G. Schriendl, S6495 Garnet Dr. being
a nuisance to the neighborhood due to the fact of his owning and
operating an unlicensed vehicle (stock car) by parking, driving and
repairing same on the City streets of Muskego. This report will be
referred to the Public Safety Committee, Building Inspector and
Police Department.
Mr. Herman Schoenherr appeared in regards to City signs, design and
construction of same. He will furnish the committee with patterns of
signs and after the approval of the patterna by the Committee, will
construct signs for installation as soon as possible.
• It was suggested by Chairman Wollman, and approved by the Committee,
that the Welfare Committee request that an Ordinance be drafted to
prohibit the mooring of boats to city piers, and or the storing of
same in any of the municipal parks. The matter was referred to the
Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee for action.
A communication from Miss Eileen Larsen was read regarding stray dogs
and will be referred to the Safety Committee and to the Police Dept.
for action. In discussing the catching of stray dogs, it was suggested
by Chairman Wollman that the purchase of a tranquilizer gun be considered
by the Safety Committee for useage by the Police Dept.
It was requested by Ald. Burgermeister of the Park & Recreation Board,
that all aldermen view their respective wards for future park and
recreation needs and sites, reporting same in memorandum to the Welfare
Committee at their earliest convenience.
One (1) violation of zoning laws was received from Zoning Officer Lee
and placed on file.
It was reported by the Waukesha County Health Dept. that for the period
l/l/68 thru 3/31/68 there were 39 birth and 12 deaths in Muskego.
• The Committee met with the Finance Committee to discuss the offers of
Mr. C. Wauer for City use of Lydia and Carl Wauer Dump Operation. It
was agreed upon that Mr. C. Wauer would be invited to attend the next
meeting for further discussion and approval of one of the proposals for
leasing said dump.
Ald. Burgermeister suggested that the Police Dept. make a study of the
"No Parking" signs and restrictings, if any, on streets abutting the
Little Muskego Lake area due to the accelerated summer useage of
municipal parks and the narrow width of these streets and sometimes
making passage for two vehicles impossible due to the parking of
automobiles and also the safety of children using these parks and
appearing suddenly from behind a parked automobile.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
6�6 J U G
R. A. Burgermeister, Sec'y.