Chairman Wollman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Also present
were Alderman Cooley, Alderman Burgermeister, Mr. Carl Wa.uer and Mr.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and placed on file.
Mr. Carl Wauer appeared in regard to contracts with the City for
removal of dead stock from farms and city streets. The contract
for removal of dead stock from farms was submitted at $15.00 per
farm. The cost of removal of dead animals from city streets would
remain the same as in the past. It was agreed that the contracts
for farms would be researched and discussed further at the next
Public Welfare meeting.
Mr. Carl Wauer also submitted the proposal of leases for the city
dump, which was to be investigated and will be discussed further at
the next Welfare meeting.
Mrs. H. Bloeser, W191 57458 Richdorf Dr. appeared before the Committee
regarding a complaint received involving the installation of a private
•pier on city property and a boat hoist adjacent to same. It was
discussed and decided that the committee would view the area before
any further discussion or decision would be made.
Resolution #46-68, regarding City Entrance Signs, was discussed and
it was agreed that same was in order, as amended, and should be
brought back to the Council for reconsideration.
Three (3) Zoning violations were read and placed on file.
Four (4) Park and Recreation letters were read and placed on file.
Alderman Burgermeister suggested that a resolution be prepared to
further the study of the Little Muskego Lake area and areas abutting
this area in regard to being serviced by sewers. It was agreed that
this should be done, but such resolution should be delayed until
the present problems of Phase 3 of the Sewer Project have been compleded
and then be brought to the Council table at that time.
Alderman -Cooley moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Alderman Burg-
ermeister. The meeting adjourned at 9:08 P.M.
• Respectfully submitted,
Ro,Bur ermeister, Sec'y.