PWM19680501PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 1, 1968 Chairman Wollman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Present were Alderman Cooley, Alderman Burgermeister and Chairman Wollman. 0 The Minutes of the last meeting held were read. A communication was received from the Muskego Rendering Co., Inc. in regard to dead animals. It was agreed by the members of the Committee that Mr. Carl Wauer of the Muskego Rendering Company would be invited to attend the next Welfare meeting to discuss same regarding costs, services, etc. Mr. Herman Schoenherr appeared in regard to the costs of the city entrance signs (Re: Resolution #45-68) and offered to furnish said signs to the city at a cost not to exceed $900.00 for both signs not including installation. Alderman Burgermeister moved to change the reading of these signs • to: WELCOME TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. Seconded by Alderman Cooley. Motion carried. Eighteen (18) zoning violations were brought to the attention of the Committee by Inspector Lee. A communication was received from Mrs. Ray, Mr. Strobel and Mr. Walker in regard to the City of Muskego granting permission for any private individual placing any permanent fixtures in any of the Oak Ridge Parks. The matter was referred to Inspector Lee. A communication was received from Mr. Sochaczk regarding the City of Muskego diverting a free flowing creek. The matter will be referred to the Public Works Department. Alderman Cooley suggested to investigate the cost of publishing and mailing of the Muskego City Quarterly Newsletter in accordance with the Mayor's wishes to keep our citizens better informed. Alderman Cooley moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Alderman Burgermeister. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. • Respectfully submitted, Robert A. Btrigermeister, Sec'y. DTTTITTr T�7RTraRF (10MN4TTTR,F