PWM19670208WELFARE COMMITTEE -CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 8, 1967 Chairman Wieselmann called the meeting to order at 4:30 P.M. Present were Alderman Wieselmann, Alderman Lentini, Alderman Budish and Mayor Gottfried. The December credit from the Waukesha County Welfare Department was received in the amount of $115.01. Three new zoning violations were reported by Inspector Lee. A copy of a letter from Inspector Lee directed to Mr. Edmund Krawczyk, Attorney, giving Mr. Duane Hook an extension to April, 1967, to clear the property of a condemned building. A copy of a letter to Mr. Ervin Stolz was also received from Inspector Lee explaining zoning procedures. A discussion took place concerning Resolution #216 which is in regard to the Schwefel property. The Mayor presented the Committee with a letter he had received from Attorney Robert W. Schroeder advising • that he would be happy to meet with the Committee at any time that it would be convenient. A lively dicussion followed. Alderman Budish moved that Resolution #216 be referred back to the Council with amendments made thereto. Seconded by Alderman Lentini, motion carried. The amendments requested by the Committee are as follows: Paragraph #4 should read, WHEREAS the Little Muskego Lake Committee and the Public Welfare Committee has suggested that all of this land be purchased under the Open Space Act whereby the city could receive fifty per cent aid from the Federal Government. Paragraph #5 should read, THEREFORE be it resolved that the Common Council of the City of Muskego does hereby authorize the Finance Committee to investigate availability and price with Mrs. Evelyn Schwefel or her authorized agent. • Paragraph #6 should be deleted. The motion carried unanimously. Alderman Lentini moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Alderman Wieselmann. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Edmund A. Budish, Sec'y. PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE EB/je