PWM19670118Minutes of the Welfare Committee meeting held on January 18, 1967.
Ald. Wieselmann called the meeting to order at 4:30 P.M. Also
present were Ald. Lentini, Ald. Budish and Mayor Gottfried.
• One new welfare case was reported to the committee.
Ald. Lentini questioned Inspector Lee in regard to a letter sent
to Mr. Edward Hallada concerning a zoning violation.
Inspector Lee presented the committee with a three month report
on zoning violations from October 6th through December 30, 1966.
Ald. Wieselmann reported that he had contacted Herman Schoenherr
in regard to city entrance signs. Mr. Schoenherr told Ald.
Wieselmann that nothing had been done thus far due to the un-
certainity of materials to be used.
Resolution #216 was discussed by the committee. This resolution
was referred to the Welfare Committee for recommendation to the
Common Council.
• Ald. Budish moved to recommend to the Council that permission be
granted to the Finance Committee to discuss with Mr. Schwefelthe
availability of land owned by same and also to discuss price.
Motion seconded by Ald. Wieselmann and motion carried.
Ald. Budish moved to adjourn, as seconded by Ald. Lentini and
motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 5:25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Edmund A. Budish
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