PWM19661019PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE -CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 19, 1966 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wieselmann at 4:45 P.M. Present were Chairman Wieselmann, Alderman Budish and Mayor Gottfried. Alderman Lentini arrived later. Carl Wauer appeared before the Committee to seek permission to burn off copper wire at the gravel pit. He explained that the Fire Department will not issue a permit to him for burning. Alderman W=e aver- was present and made several suggestions and comments. The feeling in general was that the permit should come from the City. Alderman Lentini moved to authorize the Mayor to issue a Burning Permit to Carl Wauer for the burning of copper wire on the 20th of October, 1966, and also in the future if it seems feasible. The motion was seconded by Alderman Wieselmann, motion carried. A communication was received from Attorney Hippenmeyer in regard to the bond for Gravel, Inc. and it also informed the Committee that he has sent the restoration plan to the City of Muskego. One new welfare case was received. Bills for the month of September were received from the Dept. of Public Welfare totaling $222.61. Alderman Budish moved to recommend payment of the bill, seconded • by Alderman Wieselmann and the motion carried. A report was received by the Committee from Inspector Lee in regard to calls he had made on zoning violations. Several new violations were reported. The meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Edmund A. Budish, Seely. PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE •