PWM19660921PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 21, 1966. Chairman Wieselmann opened the meeting at 4:30 P.M. Present were Chairman Wieselmann, Alderman Budish and Mayor Gottfried. Alderman Lentini was absent. Motion was made by Alderman Budish to recommend a budget of $12,000.00 for welfare for the year 1967. Seconded by Alderman iWieselmann, motion carried. The Park and Recreation Board has recommended to this Committee the purchase of 6.351 acres of land adjacent to Belmont Greens Subdivision. Alderman Wieselmann moved to recommend to the Council the purchase of 6.351 acres of land by the Park & Recreation Board for the purpose of recreational use. Seconded by Alderman Budish, motion carried. Alderman Budish moved to recommend to the Council not to accept the offer to purchase the lot in Kingston Subdivision between lots #20 and #21 as proposed by James R. Juel. Seconded by Alderman Wieselmann, motion carried. A communication was received from Attorney Hippenmeyer in regard to decisions made by the Board of Appeals. Communication placed • on file. The fifth Annual Report of the Waukesha County Health Department from July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966, was received and placed on file. • Alderman Budish moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Alderman Wieselmann. The meeting adjourned at 5:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Edmund A. Budish, Secty. PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE EB/je