Chairman Wieselmann opened the meeting at 4:30 P.M. Present
were Chairman Wieselmann, Alderman Lentini, Alderman Budish
and Mayor Gottfried.
A report from Building Inspector Lee was received concerning
Adam Ignasiakts dumping opperations.
An inspection was made by Mr. Lee with a representative of the
Waukesha County Health Department of the Corner House and the
Wieting property. Wauerts Dump was also inspected and pictures
were taken of the site. Zoning violations on Gold Dr. and a
check of the Checkerway Bus Company were reported on.
A copy of a letter from Ingector Lee to Mr. Thomas Couillard
and Mr. Edward Salb, Jr. was received by the Committee in regard
to zoning violation of parked cars.
Alderman Lentini moved to refer St. David's church property to
the Park & Recreation Board and to have Building Inspector Lee
view the building and make a recommendation to the Committee
as to the condition of the building. Seconded by Alderman
Budish and the motion carried.
Alderman Lentini moved to recommend acceptance of certain
parcels of land in the Jewel Crest Subdivision which belongs
to the Jensen Estate by the City either by disclaims or quit
claim deed. Secord ed by Alderman Wieselmann, motion carried.
The Mayor and Committee discussed the entrance signs to the
City. Chairman Wieselmann is to contact Mr. Schoenherr to
determine what progress has been made.
Chairman Wieselmann brought up the question as to how the
tavern on Durham Dr. known as Joe Bosch Tavern has been remodeled
when the building was in worse repair than some that have been
condemned. A lengthy discussion followed. It was agreed by
the Committee to have the Building Inspector give a full report
on this matter.
Alderman Lentini moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by
Alderman Wieselmann. The meeting adjourned at 5:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
• Edmund A. Budish, Sect.