Alderman Lentini opened the meeting at 4:30 P.M.
Present were Ald. Lentini, Ald. Budish and Mayor Gottfried. Chairman
Wieselmann arrived shortly after the meeting began.
The first order of business was a discussion on the letter to be
sent to the citizens concerning the dumping hours and the sending
of a new dumping permit to all citizens.
Communications received were a. letter by Inspector Lee to Mr.
Lawrence Graves regarding a junk car parked at the corner of
Janesville Rd and Highway 24. Also a letter by Inspector Lee to
Mr. Richard Grandaw regarding a junk car parked at S94 W14829
Woods Rd.
A copy of a letter by Mr. Curtis Brewer, Asstt. Corporation Counsel,
to Mr. Henry C. Wieting was received in regard to insanitary
sewage disposal at W143 B7047 Belmont Dr.
A communication by Inspector Lee to Mr. Adam Ignasiak was received
by the Committee regarding an inspection that will be made on
August 3rd between 8:30 A.M. and 12:00 Noon.
• Communication was received by the Committee from Jack A. Radtke
to the Mayor regarding the mining operation by Mr. Badertscher
and also a communication from Jack Radtke in regard to the bond
for Dale Dawson. All communications have been placed on the
active file.
The Committee was informed by Inspector Lee that a summons had been
sent to several citizens in connection with zoning violations.
One new welfare case was received.
A communication was received from Hippenmeyer and Reilly concerning
the St. Davids Church property with the possibility of the City
of Muskego accepting same. This will be referred to the Park and
Recreation Board. The Committee will also view the site and make
a recommendation to the Council.
The problem of weed cutting was discussed by the Dommittee. It
was decided that the entire problem should be reviewed by the
Committee with the weed commissioner.
Ald. Budish moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ald. Lentini.
The meeting adjourned at 5:48 P.M.
• Respectfully submitted,
Edmund A. Budish, Secty.