Chairman Wieselmann called the meeting to order at 4:30 P.M.
Present were Alderman Wieselmann, Alderman Lentini and Alderman
Mr. Frank Lasnicka who lives on Martin Dr. appeared before the
Committee to complain about flies from the Baas farm located next
door to his home. The Welfare Committee will take the problem
under advisement.
Mr. Alfred Wauer appeared before the Committee concerning the
dumping of garbage at the dump site. He was informed by the
Mayor and the Committee that the dump Site will have to be
cleaned up immediately. Mr. Wauer informed the Committee that
the fire at the dump was under control and conditions would be
A letter from Building Inspector Lee was received by the Committee
concerning a cottage to be razed at S76 W18216 Janesville Rd.
Mr. Iverson and Mr. Luther appeared before the Committee to
inform them of a parking problem on Muskego Drive at Park #1
and Park #2. Aid. Budish moved to refer the problem to the
• Park and Recreation Board for recommendation. Seconded by Aid.
Lentini and the motion carried.
A communication from Building Inspector Lee was received concerning
Ignasiakts dump. No effort has been made to correct the situation.
The Committee felt this should be brought up to the Council at the
next meeting and the Legal Council should be consulted for proper
procedures to follow.
One new welfare case was brought to the attention of the Committee.
A communication was received from Building Inspector Lee concerning
hidden water holes in Fountainwood Subdivision lots.
A communication from Herbert E. Ripley, Director of Sanitation,
was received concerning a drainage problem at W193 S7047 Belmont Dr.
A communication from Building Inspector Lee directed to the Humble
Oil Refining Co. was read and placed on the active file. There
was also a communication to Mr. Art Miller of W179 S6920 Muskego Dr.
A letter from Mayor Gottfried directed to Attorney Hippenmeyer
concerning Sec. 3.01 (2) of the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinance
was read and placed on file.
• Alderman Lentini moved for adjournment, seconded by Ald. Wieselmann.
The meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
IEdmund A. Budish, Secly.