PWM19660504PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 4, 1966 Chairman Wieselmann called the meeting to order at 4:30 P.M. Present were Alderman Lentini, Alderman Budish, Chairman Wieselmann and Mayor Gottfried. The first order of business was to elect a Secretary for the Welfare Committee. Alderman Budish was elected Secretary. Mayor Gottfried explained the functions of the Waukesha County Welfare Group to the newly formed Committee. Alderman Budish moved to recommend payment of welfare bills for February and March totaling„$2,323.64. Seconded by Ald. Lentini. Motion carried. Three new welfare cases were brought to the attention of the Welfare Committee. A communication from the State of Wisconsin concerning the Older Americans Act was received and placed on file. A communication from the Waukesha County Health Department was received in regard to effluent flowing into a ditch in Belmont Greens Subdivision. This matter is being taken care of at present. • A letter was received by the Committee from the Building Inspector in regard to Adam Ignasiak's previous dumping of rubbish. It was decided by the Committee that this matter would be held over until our next Committee meeting to give the Committee and the Building Inspector time to investigate the problem. A request for a renewal of a quarrying permit was received from State Sand and Gravel Company. Ald. Lentini moved to refer this matter to the Plan Commission for their study. Seconded by Ald. Wieselmann and the motion carried. A communication from Gravel, Inc., was received regarding their bond for restoration purposes. Ald. Lentini moved to recommend to the Common Council that the bond set for Gravel, Inc., for $40,000.00 be reduced to $30,000.00. Seconded by Ald. Budish, motion carried. Gravel, Inc. also asked that they be permitted to go below restor- ation grade level, due to the fact that the better material for their operation is farther down. Ald. Lentini moved to recommend to the Common Council that this request be granted. Seconded by Ald. Wieselmann, motion carried. A letter from the Waukesha County Group Dept, of Public Welfare was received by the Committee in regard to sending a member to • their Annual Meeting on May 18, 1966. Ald. Lentini moved to recommend to the Common Council that Ald. Wieselmann be elected by the Council to attend this meeting. Seconded by Ald. Budish, motion carried. Ald. Lentini moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ald. Budish. The meeting adjourned at 5:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Edmund A. Budish, Secty. PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE J e I