Minutes of the Meeting held March 16, 1966.
•The meeting was called to order at 3;50 P.M. by Chairman Budish. Those
present were Aldermen Hudziak and DeAngelis.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
LUTHER PARK CEMETERY: The dedication ceremonies were discussed. Alder-
man Budish is to request from the Public Safety Committee that the area
surrounding the cemetery be patroled for the dedication. He shall also
contact and confirm the date and time schedule of March 26th at 2 P.M.
with the Waukesha County Historical Society, Boy Scouts, Milwaukee County
Park Commission, and Professor Phillip Whittford of U.W.M. who will also
be requested to be the guest speaker. All other Civic organizations
of the City will be invited and advised of this date schedule. The
Committee was informed that both markers (one from the Historical Society
and the other from the Milwaukee County Park System) will be ready by
March 26th. Publicity regarding the event will be requested from our
local as well as from the Metropolitan Papers. All Aldermen are
invited to attend.
• There being no
time, Alderman
Alderman Budsh
further business to come before this Committee at this
Hudziak moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by
and the meeting was adjourned at 4:40 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paul M. DeAngelis
Sec'y - Public Welfare Committee