PWM19660119• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 19, 1966. • The meeting was called to order at 3:50 P.M. by Acting Chairman De Angelis. Those present were Mayor Gottfried, Alderman Hudziak and Mr. Raymond Herrman of the Public Welfare Department (Waukesha County Group). Minutes of the previous meeting • were approved. The first order of business was the introduction of Mr. Herrman to the Committee. Acting Chairman De Angelis requested that Mr. Herrman start the meeting by relating the basic functions and responsibilities of the Waukesha County Welfare Group. Mr. Herrman advised the Committee that when any individual applies for assistance from the Group, his background is first required and investigated and he is then requested to return in several days. The Agency Group first attempts to receive help for the applicant olsewhere. Should the individual be granted assistance, a formal application is signed and agreed to. When the individual signs an agreement, he agrees to repay for all assistance that is given to him by the Group. The Waukesha County Group consists of a membership of twenty four municipalities and the individuals working within the Group are all employees of said municipalities. A contractual agreement exists between the Waukesha County Group and these municipalities who have contributed $25,000.00 to what is known as the Revolving Fund. With this money the Group can pay their bills as they are created. The Waukesha County Welfare Group consists of five employees who are two case workers, two clerks and Mr. Herrman. Mrs. Pfieffer is the case worker for the City of Muskego. Assistance is granted on the basis of need; however, there are other agencies that grant assistance to people who may fall into other categories. Such an agency is the "County Welfare Agency" which handles such cases which may fall into categories for "Old Age Assistance", Blind and Disabled Aged", and A.D.0 (Aid to Dependent Children). It may be interesting to note that some day in the future the Medicare Program will absorb the medical assistance portion of the Waukesha County Group. Relief is primarily the responsibility of each municipality • by Statutes. Aid is granted to employable people as well as the unemployable)to broken homes (this constitutes one-third of the total cases), incarcerated persons whose families are dependent upon them, illness and injuries (another one-third • of the total case. The average time that assistance is granted to the unemployed is about A weeks, a little longer for illness and injuries with the longest period being those with broken home situations. The Group deals with approximately 70 to 75 cases in one month - most of these cases being very short termed. Approximately 20 to 30 of these cases leave during the monthly processing. Aid is granted in the form of food, shelter, utilities, medical expense and clothing. They do not take care of the individuals other expenses but may pay towards the rent of an employed . person who needs temporary assistance. Once an employable individual is granted assistance, he is given a period of two weeks to find a job. If a job is not found at the end of this time, he is given a job with the County Park and Planning Agency at the rate of $1.50 per hour. • 7\ • • • r-I LJ Page 2. An agreement exists between the County Park and Planning Agency and the Waukesha County Group to hire these people, and the Park and Planning Commission reimburses the Waukesha County Group 25 per cent of the wages paid. The assigned hours for the beneficiary of this type of assistance is just enough to meet his budget requirements as determined by the Welfare Group. This arrangement is found most sat- isfactory because it gives the individual the opportunity to earn money - money that he can call his own and which he will not have to repay, while what is given as aid is a debt and.must be repaid i at all possible. Repayment of aid is usually made withKne year, but settlements may go back as much as 10 years. Settlements filed against estates have been dated as far back as into the 1930fs. (Waukesha County Welfare Group was activated in 1932 by a group of Waukesha Officials.) Muskegots relief cases are five per cent of the work load of the Agency. Muskego had 54 relief cases and 50 service cases in the year of 1965. Residential expenses totaled $9,817.35 and non- residential expenses came to $2,206.61, with administrational costs totaling $1,943.72. The total of these expenses came to $13,967.68 - of this, medical expense was $5,952.57. The yyy collected nonresidential fees of $1,960.49 with refunds of 852.43 which brought the net cost of the City of Muskego to 11,154.76 for the year of 1965. The Committee extended their sincere gratitude to Mr. Herrman for attending the Public Welfare Meeting. Report of one new welfare case received and placed on file. There being no further business, Alderman Hudziak moved to adjourn as seconded by Alderman De Angelis. The meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M. PD/je Respectfully submitted, Paul Mt D. .a. Secty. PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE