PWM19660105• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE • CITY OF MUSIKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 5, 1966 The meeting was called to order at 3:45 P.M. by Chairman Budish. Those present were Mayor Gottfried and Aldermen Hudziak and De Angelis. • The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Report of three new welfare cases received and placed on file. Dept. of Public Welfare (Waukesha County Group) Vouchers affidavit reviewed for the month of November. Alderman Hudziak moved to recommend to the Finance Committee that the voucher for November ($39037.87) be paid. Alderman Budish seconded the motion and it carried. An amount of $1,576.74 for a single hospitalization case was instrumental in the above sudden increase in this monthts (November payment. A refund of $975.00 was received from the Waukesha County Group as our part of the refund from the new assessment arrangement which went into effect last year. • GRAVEL INC.: Communications from Mr. Dale Dawson to the el afint�f re�ommittee stating that all requirements were met except No. 5 • that he has been in almost daily communication with Mr. Polzin • that they will be closed until after April was read and discussed. It is the Committeets intention to meet with Mr. Don. Polzin.and Gravel, Inc, as soon as the restoration plans are completed. Communication from Assemblyman John C. Shabaz to the Mayor concerning his interest to meet with residents of Muskego to discuss any problems or questions pertinent to State Government was read. Committee instructed Secretary De- Angelis to advise Mr. Shabaz that he may utilize City Hall on February 192 1966, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. as requested. The next order of business was a general discussion on Public Welfare • the probability of putting able bodied men to work, welfare cases, etc. Committee Secretary to contact Mr. Raymond Herrmann and to request of him to attend the next Public Welfare meeting of January 19th, if possible, for further discussion. There being no further business, Alderman Hudziak moved to adjourn. This motion was seconded by Alderman Budish and it carried. Respectfully submitted, •Pliul M. Pe An is, Secretary PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE j e