The meeting was called to order at 3:50 P.M. by Chairman Budish.
Those present were Mayor Gottfried and Aldermen'ffudziak and
Minutes of the previous meeting approved.
FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS - Department of Public Welfare (Waukesha
County Group): Voucher Affidavit received for August and
September. Alderman Budish moved to recommend to the Finance
Committee that the voucher for August ($1,213.54) and September
($1,002.04) totaling $2,215.58 be paid. Alderman Hudziak
seconded the motion and it carried.
COMMUNICATIONS from Mayor Gottfried to Mr. Raymond Herrman
Concerning an emergency relief case read and placed on file.
COMMUNICATIONS from Chairman Budish to the Safety Committee
relative to the traffic problem at the intersection of County
Trunk 00, State Highway 36, and State Highway 45 were reviewed.
Alderman Budish moved to urge the Safety Committee to review the
traffic hazard on St. Hwy. 36 and Durham Road and to present to
the Council a resolution requesting that the State Highway
Commission install proper signals to curb this hazard. Alderman
DeAngelis seconded the motion... motion was carried.
COMPLAINTS - Building Inspector Lee was requested to attend
Complaints were registered against the Sawmill on Highway 24,
owned by Mr. Zangerle. The owners of the sawmill are on a legal
non -conforming use, and are not to expand on this use as such
expansion would be illegal. The Committee advised the Building
Inspector to order Mr. Zangerle to immediately clean up the area
and to conform to the City Ordinance - or steps will be taken to
close the operation.
ANDRITCH COTTAGE - Inspector Lee reviewed this situation with the
Committee. The Committee granted the owners one (1) week to obtain
someone to remove the cottage, else the Building Inspector will
authorize someone to do so.
HIGHWAY 24 THEATRE - (Located in New Berlin) Inadequate sewage
system here is causing effluent to escape into the drainage
ditch that flows through Fou.ntainwood Subdivision. Inspector
Lee advised the Committee that he is meeting with Mr. Eils of
the County Health Department to investigate the matter, as well
as a similar problem which exists on School Dr.
SUMMER COTTAGE - A general discussion with the Building Inspector
followed concerning summer cottages (and the possible condemnation
of such cottages). The Committee felt more pertinent information
was needed and that the Inspector should obtain such information
as well as photographs, etc., before any action is taken. It is
the feeling of the Committee to present the problem to the Council
as a whole.
NEWSLETTER - Rough .draft read by Committee members. Same to be
forwarded to the Finance Committee for their approval.
LUTHER PARKER CEMETERY - Alderman Budish reports that the wooden
rail fence at the cemetery has been erected, and now completed.
There being no
The motion was
at 4:40 P.M.
further business, Alderman Budish moved to adjourn.
seconded by Ald. Hudziak and the meeting adjourned
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