Called to order at 4:00 PM Alderman Budish, as Chairman, along
with Aldermen Hudziak and DeAngelis were in attendance. Also
present were Carl Wauer, Fire Chief Ludwig, and Constable Bohl-
Discussion on Early American Fence for Cemetery. Ald. Hudziak
moved to recommend to the Finance Committee that $150.00 be ap-
propriated for this fence. Seconded by Ald. Budish... Carried.
This fence would be prefabricated and ready for installation on
the grounds. All metal parts to be included.
Communication received from Mr. McVey (Fish & Wildlife Mgr.).
r. McVey s a ad that Multa Flora Roses can be obtained., however,
only during April of each year. A sample application was attached
to explain procedure to follow, etc.
Communication from Mr. Grotjan (Park Naturalist) thanking the
Committee or extending them time enough to present the reasons
to preserve the "Prairie Relics" was read. An essayy on "Prairiels"
by Dr. James Zimmerman (Leading National Naturalist) was also
attached. Ald. Budish requested that copies of the essay be made,
which will be given to the Boy Scouts.
Reports of four new Welfare Cases received and placed on file.
Copy of communications from Secretary DeAngelis to all Committees
relative to the Newsletter read and placed on file.
The next order of business was a general discussion with Fire
Chief Ludwig and Mr. Carl Wauer, who also brought an employee,
relative to burning at the Dump Site.
Mr. Wauer stated that he had three days of burning to do because
of the accumulation of certain debris. Fire Chief Ludwig felt
the City should assume the responsibility of issuance of permits
in these instances i.e.-burning of copper wire, tires, etc.
It was subsequently mutually agreed by the Committee that Mr.
Wauer would obtain a permit the morning of the burning, rather
than on the date prior to the actual burning. By obtaining burn-
ing permits on the actual days of burning, he could better ascer-
tain the effects the elements would have on the neighborhood...
such as smoke, fumes, odors, etc., Mr. Wauer also related that
citizens are dumping outside the area gates when closed. Com-
mittee Chairman Budish requested of Constable Bohlmann what could
be done. Constable Bohlmann stated the responsible parties would
have to be caught firsthand and that he would commence periodical
patrols of that area.
There being no further business, Ald. Hudziak moved to adjourn
as seconded by Ald. DeAngelis. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM.
Public Welfare Committee