PWM19650616PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING MAY 19, 1965 to Committee meeting convened on June 16, 1965 at 3:45 PM at City Hall. Alder- man Budish, as Chairman, along with Aldermen Hudziak and DeAngelis in atten- dance. QUARRY AND ASPHALT PERMIT - Correspondence from Legal Council representing Mr. Dale Dawson read. Alderman Budish informed the committee that action was pending, thru the Planning Commission, and outlined briefly what transpired • at their last meeting. The Planning Board has made a recommendation which will be submitted by the Board to the City Council. PUBLIC WELFARE CASE - To be placed on file and reviewed after reports are re- ceived from the Public Welfare Department. GARBAGE PICK-UP ON SUNDAY - The Committee feels no problem exists at this time. It is their belief that Sunday pick-ups were caused by the Holiday delaying Carrier's scheduled pick-ups. CORRESPONDENCE Park and Recreation Board a) Extended coverage on/for the Horn Field Building. Same is being referred to the Finance Committee for appropriate action. • b) Tennis -Basketball courts: Committee also feels, as does the Board, that these men that are willing to donate their time, energy, etc., for the creation of these new courts are making a wonderful gesture. Com- mittee recommends that the Park and Recreation Board accepts these courts as is. c) Jewel Crest Building and Grounds: This particular communication encourages the members of the Council to view the property that the Jewel Crest Adv. Assoc. desires to release to the City. The Board also recom- mends to the City Council that they obtain this property for the City. Alderman Hudziak moved, as seconded by Alderman Dudish, that the Welfare Committee also recommend to the City Council that the Council accept this building and property as a recreational facility for the City of Muskego. The motion was carried. The resolution asking for acceptance of this property/ground on behalf of the Park and Recreation Board will be presented at the next regular Council Meeting. The Park and Recreation Board will meanwhile, be ad- vised by this Committee to ascertain the actual cost involved to remodel and repair the building by means of bids, etc.. CEMETARY (DURHAM HILL) - Alderman Budish read and reviewed a proposed resolu- tion pertinent to this cemetary. This resolution shall be presented to the City Council by Budish, said resolution is self explanitory. • There being no further business, Alderman Hudziak moved to adjourn, as second- ed by Alderman Budish. Meeting adjourned at 4:55 PM.