PWM19650519C] PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING May 19, 1965 Committee Meeting convened on May 19, 1965 at 3:45 PM at City Hall. Alderman Budish as Chairman along with Alderman Hudziak and DeAngelis in attendance. . Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. ENTRANCE SIGNS: Word was received from Mr. Knetzer that progress is being made; however, that construction details are not as yet completed. The Jr. Chamber of Commerce (Jayceels) had appeared before the Planning Commission and requested permission to erect signs of the Welcome type. The Commission referred the matter to the attention of the City Planner to make recommendation back to them as well as the Common Council. PUBLIC WELFARE CASE: To be placed on file and reviewed after re- ports are received rom the Public Welfare Department. DEPT. OF PUBLIC WELFARE (WAUKESHA C9. GROUP) Voucher affidavits • reviewed. Alderman Hudziak moved to recommend to the Finance Committee that the vouchers from the Public Welfare Dept. for the amount of $418.16 be paid. Alderman DeAngelis seconded the motion and motion carried. (4 relief cases and 4 service cases) CORRESPONDENCE: From Marie M. Hlatky concerning the Asphalt Plant and debris along Tans Drive was read and reviewed. Alderman Hudziak stated he would check furtheriinto the complaint as registered. Correspondence from Melvin Daliege thanking City Officials for past attention concerning the Asphalt Plant was read and placed on file. C014MUNICATIONS: From the Clerk -Treasurer of our City advising this committee that "Notice To Cut Noxious Weeds" will be published in two consecutive notices as well as posted on all the Bulletin Boards in the City was read. Communication from U. S. Seating Co., Inc., Manufacturers/Distri- butors of Portable Bleachers to be referred to the Park and Recrea- tion Board. The next order of business was a discussion on the Cemetery which is located on Highway 00 and Ryan Road. Alderman Budish requested of the Welfare Committee to present a resolution to the Common Council concerning this Cemetery. It is his feeling that the City of Muskego should maintain as well as preserve this 2 acre Cemetery as a shrine due to the fact that our first white settler is buried there - namely Mr. Luther Parker. This Committee unanimously agreed that a resolution should be drafted and presented to the City Council with its recommendation that it be accepted. There being no further business, Alderman Hudziak moved to adjourn as seconded by Alderman Budish. Meeting Adjourned at 4:45 PM. Res ectfu y s mitted, c2c l PAUL M. GE S Secretar Public Welfare Committee