PWM19650330• MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE Committee meeting convened on March 30, 1965, at 6:45 P.M. at City Hall. Alderman Budish, as Chairman, along with Mayor Gottfried and Aldermen Hudziak and DeAngelis were in attendance. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. First order of business was the discussion on improvements on the building at Horn Field. A bid was received from Mr. Gregory Boehm for the repairs which are to be done on the inside of the building. In view of the fact that the former Town Officials granted Mr. Boehm the outside contract, the Committee felt it ex- pedient to recommend to the Council, by resolution, the bid for approval. A resolution shall be drafted to present to the Coun- cil stipulating the specific amount of this bid ($825.00) along with the specifications. Specifications being --- to drop ceiling to 9-foot level, finish ceiling with accoustical tile, Luan paneling on all walls, finish windows and doors, new base and shoe, en- close furnace room, and to fix floor where needed. All carpenter labor and material is to be included. PUBLIC WELFARE CASES - Three new cases were placed on file. Cases to be reviewed after reports are received from the Public Welfare • Dept. Correspondence from Attorney Hippenmeyer read. Being relative to Constable and Auxiliary Policemen concerning the labeling of badges`, etc., it was referred to the Public Safety Committee. Next order of business was condemnation of buildings. Because the Building Inspector has several new cases pending condemnation, this committee was of the opinion that a meeting be held with him to establish standard operational procedures, which should be adopted and practiced in the future. PERMIT COPIES: Copies of the Burial and Disinterment permits were received by the Mayorts office. Same were turned over to the Public Welfare Committee to be retained in their files. CORRESPONDENCE: A communication between Mr. Clarence D. Lau'cher and Building Inspector Lee was read. It stated that Mr. Laucher was in violation of the Zoning Ordinance governing unlicensed autos. Mr. Laucher has now removed auto& as advised by Mr. Lee. Another communication by Inspector Lee to Atty. Hippenmeyer concerning the removal of the Schwefel cottage was read. This committee shall await the reply from Atty. Hippenm'ayer before reviewing further this particular condemnation. • COMPLAINTS: The Public Welfare Committee received complaints from the owners of Mike & Mickey's Cozy Cottage and the Bay Side Tap that buses are alledgedly backing up and turn ing around on their premises, thus causing damage to their parking areas. The Committee, as a consequence, directed their Secretary to contact Checkerway Charter Coach Co., Inc. and advise that, should this be the case, these properties are private properties and that they have no right to trespass or use these properties or other private proper- 40 as turnabouts, etcc., without the approval of their owners. The Welfare Committee and Mayor Gottfried will meet directly after this meeting to attend the first meeting (informal) of the Park and Recreation Board. There being no further business, Alderman Hudziak moved to adjourn. Alderman DeAngelis seconded the motion. Meeting adjou.32zled at 7.50 P.M. e 11 su d, _ PUBLIC 2rgL-1i ec,y ARE CO ITTEE n U c.c. - School Board - 7A 7i C . c . _ J{-?2 ��: 1, .'? • / �GR�xT c.c. - Michael Tobianski - Mike and Mickey's Coz„v Co tage W-143 S-7g22 Durham Dr. Hales Cormers, Wisc. Original to: Checkerway Charter Coach Co., Inc. S-83 W-20702 W. Janesville Rd. Muskego, Wisconsin Gentlemen: The Public Welfare Committee of the City of Muskego has received several complaints that your Buses are being driven over and upon private properties. If this be the case, may we remind you that you cannot trespass on private properties or use same as turnabouts, etc., without the approval of the owners of these private properties. Trusting you will advise your Drivers of the need to respect the private property rights of others. Very truly yours, Ald. Paul M. DeAngelis, Secretary Public t,?elfare Committee