PSCM20040223APPROVED PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2004. Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Committee Members Aid. Patrick Patterson, and Aid. Chuck Damaske. Also present were Police Chief John Johnson, Superintendent Wayne Delikat and Director Sean McMullen. Aid. Chris Buckmaster was excused. Aid. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Aid. Damaske moved to approve the minutes of November 24, December 5, and December 8, 2003. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried unanimously. STATUS OF PROJECTS: Director McMullen updated the Committee on the attached status of on -going projects as follows: Status of Refuse/Recycling — The contract has been fully executed and is awaiting Attorney Molter's signature. Status of Cable TV / Concerns of Customer Service — Aid. Patterson explained Time Warner is no longer offering a senior citizen discount. They have grand fathered in any customer who is currently receiving the discount, but if they upgrade or change service they will no longer receive the discount. Aid. Patterson stated this could be negotiated when the contract is up. Big Muskego Lake — establishing parking or access fees at public access sites — This item was sent to Public Services in error and will be removed from future agendas. The Parks Board and the Lake District will determine the parking and access fees. Traffic issues on Janesville Road/Martin Drive Intersection — Waukesha County's traffic count is complete. County Supervisor, Dan Pavelko was present to discuss resident concerns of safety related to the intersection of Janesville Road and Martin Drive. Director McMullen and Chief Johnson recommended waiting a period of 8-9 months because the intersection is new and he needs to see more accurate information from the traffic study. Racine & Woods Road Intersection Improvements — Traffic counts will be done in spring. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Public Services Committee February 23, 2004 Page 2 Status of speeding on Woods Rd (High School) — Director McMullen explained a traffic count will be done in spring. NEW BUSINESS Skateboarding on Library premises - Ald. Patterson explained the Library Director wrote to the Public Service Committee requesting a total ban of skateboarding at the Library. Ald. Patterson noted from the memo the signs posted are not working. Chief Johnson stated that officers have been driving through the library on a daily basis and also walking through the library. In addition there is a liaison officer who works from a desk at the library on a regular basis. Chief Johnson explained that even if there is a total ban on skateboarding there would not be much of a difference because it is an enforcement issue. Chief Johnson recommended leaving the signs as there are now and allowing the Police Department to continue enforcing no skateboarding during library hours. The Committee agreed and the item will remain on the agenda under status of projects. Approval of Building Code Changes — Director McMullen reviewed with the Committee the changes made to the Building Code. Director McMullen noted the new section added, 30.24 Emergency Response Amplification. This section was added at the request of Chief Johnson. In the larger structures being built the 800mhz radios of Police Department do not work inside the buildings. The new section of the code states prior to occupancy the radios must be tested and work otherwise a system must be installed per code to allow the use of the radios. The Committee deferred until next month. Communication and anv other business as authorized by law — Ald. Damaske updated the Committee on the parking situation at Mill Valley School. Residents on School Drive have been complaining of cars parking in front of their property and damaging mailboxes or blocking the driveway. The principal sent out a memo to the parents asking them to park in the parking lot. Ald. Damaske has also asked people to park in the lot. Being no further business to discuss, Ald Damaske moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ald. Patterson. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM. Respectfully Submitted, �a'i � Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary Public Services Committee February 23, 2004 Page 3 ENGIIVEERINGJBUILDING Sean E. McMullen, Director W 182 S8200 Racine Avenue j ON [jE 2j%j MENT Muskego, W 153150 L (262) 679-5686 (Submitted on 2/23/04) • Refuse/Recycling - Contract has been fully executed and is awaiting Attorney Molter's signature. • Cable TV Customer Service Concerns - Nothing new to report. • Big Muskego Lake -Establishing narking or access fees at public access sites - Please see information attached to agenda. This item will be removed from future agendas. • Traffic issues on Janesville - Waukesha County's traffic count is completed and attached. • Racine & Woods Road Intersection Improvements - This item has been completed and will be removed from future agendas.