PSCM20031027Approved PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2003. Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Present were Committee Members Aid. Patrick Patterson, Aid. Chris Buckmaster and Aid. Chuck Damaske. Also present were Aid. Eric Schroeder, Police Chief John Johnson, Superintendent Wayne Delikat and Director Sean McMullen. Aid. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Aid. Damaske moved to approve the minutes of September 22, 2003. Seconded by Aid. Buckmaster, motion carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on Parkland Mall — Nothing new to report. Status of Refuse/Recycling — Discussed under Waste/Refuse contract. Status of Cable TV / Concerns of Customer Service — Nothing new to report. Status of proposed policy for traffic calming - Nothing new to report. Discussion of Waste/Refuse contract — Director McMullen walked the Committee through the proposed contract. Aid. Patterson moved to make the schools an optional part of the bid. The motion died for lack of a second. The Committee directed Director McMullen to make changes as discussed and resubmit. Further discussion on request for Waukesha County to conduct a traffic study (Racine Avenue/Woods Rd intersection, left turn arrows north and southbound)- Ald. Schroeder was present with resident, Isabel Bublitz to discuss the intersection of Racine Ave. and Woods Rd. Aid. Schroeder noted that according to the 2002 traffic study the intersection is properly signaled. Aid. Schroeder stated he is concerned with left turn lanes. Director McMullen stated at this time the intersection does not meet the warrants for improvements, but with the high school addition, and future developments the intersection will be monitored. Aid. Schroeder requested an in-house design be completed with the additional length for a left turn lane north and south bound. Director McMullen explained it would be beneficial to do the cost breakdown before the design. Director McMullen also noted this should go before the Public Works Committee for review. Aid. Damaske moved to direct Director McMullen to compile the cost breakdown for the additional length north and south bound on Racine Ave. Aid. Buckmaster seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Public Services Committee Page 2 October 27, 2003 NEW BUSINESS Review recommendation from Big Muskego Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District to establish parking or lake access fees at various public access sites. — Have not received information. Ald. Damaske moved to defer to next meeting. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss request for a 25 mph speed limit sisn on Woods Road - Director McMullen explained Woods Road is listed as a minor collector/arterial road and according to the statutes and federal guidelines the lowest speed limit under those guidelines is 35mph. Review Hillendale Traffic Study —Chief Johnson explained he had the traffic study re- done and there are no problems on Hillendale. The August study showed the 85th percent tile as 42mph westbound and 43mph eastbound. A letter will be sent to Mr. Knudsen explaining the results of the study. Discuss speed bump and traffic study on North Shore Drive — Residents along North Shore Dr. were present to discuss removal of the speed bumps located on North Shore Drive. Chief Johnson noted that the speed bumps did slow down traffic according to the traffic study. Ald. Patterson gave the residents the option to be heard. Mr. Mike Corcoran of S 106 W20623 North Shore stated he uses that strip of road to go — home. Mr. Corcoran stated he did not feel that 7 cars an hour is an issue for a speed bump. Mr. Corcoran also explained that children in the neighborhood use the speed bumps for skateboards and bikes and show a lack of regard for drivers by not moving out of the road for traffic. Mr. Corcoran would like to see radar enforcement and tickets issued rather than speed bumps. Mr. John Stephan of W204S 10571 North Shore stated people do not want to use North Shore Drive because of the speed bumps. Mr. Jerry Terrell of W207 S 10613 Jennifer Ct stated he uses North Shore to drive to and from work. He is having problems with kids who will not move for vehicles. Mr. Tom Corona of W207 S 10616 concerned about kids safety because they play in the road on the speed bumps. Ald. Patterson explained the Committee has been looking at several ways to calm traffic. The speed bumps were put on North Shore due to high speeds shown on the traffic study. Chief added that as new subdivisions are being developed traffic -calming techniques are being built in by the design of the roads. Mrs. Sue Corcoran of S 106 W20623 North Shore questioned the long-term effect of speed bumps once they are removed. Residents were concerned with damage to their vehicles after going over the bumps. Director McMullen stated there should be no damage with the smaller bumps at speeds of 15-20 mph. Ald. Damaske stated he has received only complaints about the speed bumps and feels they are no longer an option for traffic calming. Ald. Patterson noted Public Services Committee Page 3 October 27, 2003 that although unpopular with residents, the new smaller speed bumps did not create the same concerns the Committee had previously heard from citizens, and did successfully calm traffic. Chief Johnson instructed the residents to call the police department when they are having problems with speeders and an officer will target that vehicle. Ald. Damaske moved to remove the speed bumps on North Shore Drive. Ald. Buckmaster seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Review request for amendment to Chapter 13.01 (Dog Ordinance) — Chief Johnson explained the Police Department received information a dog that was found to be vicious in a municipal court of another jurisdiction has moved into Muskego. In reviewing our present Dog Ordinance 13.01 under "Definitions" our definition of "Vicious " and "Dangerous Dog" contains language that would make it a violation of ordinance if only our Municipal Court if only our Municipal Court of the City of Muskego found the dog either vicious or dangerous. Chief Johnson is recommending a change in 13.01(2)1 and 2 Vicious Dog and Dangerous Dog to modify the definition to "any dog, which has been found to be vicious by a circuit or municipal court in a trial or hearing upon a charge of harboring a vicious animal" shall consummate the definition of either "Vicious Dog" or "Dangerous Dog". Ald. Damaske moved to recommend to Council Chapter 13.01 (2) 1 and 2 be revised according to Chief Johnson's recommendation. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster. Motion carried unanimously. Review sign requirements for Stonebridee final plat — Director McMullen recommended placing at stop sign on Stonebridge Way at Champions Drive with a street light. Ald. Buckmaster recommended approval for stop sign Stonebridge Way at Champions Drive. Seconded by Ald. Damaske. Motion carried unanimously. Review sign requirement for Lindale Estates — Director McMullen recommended placing a stop sign on Hedgewood Drive at Martin Drive with a street light. Ald. Damaske recommended approval for stop sign on Hedgewood at Martin Drive. Motion carried unanimously. Request to remove the No Parking sing on Elm Drive - Ald. Damaske explained the resident no longer has an issue with the No Parking sign after speaking to the Police Department if she has a party she can call the police department and arrange for temporary parking on one side of the street. Discuss traffic issues at Ouietwood and Martin Drive intersection — The Committee discussed the options of putting down speed bumps, placing stop signs and crosswalks at this intersection. Ald. Buckmaster will talk to the subdivision association and come back to the Committee with their input. Discuss traffic issues at Janesville Rd and Martin Drive intersection — Ald. Buckmaster stated he was concerned with an accident that happened during construction of Martin Drive and question if traffic signals were warranted at Martin and Janesville. Chief Johnson distributed the "Procedure to Determine Need for Traffic Control Devices Stop Signs and Yield Signs" which the Committee will review and discuss next month. Public Services Committee October 27, 2003 Page 4 Review request for screed bumps — Lakewood Subdivision — The Committee agreed there will be no speed bumps at this time due to winter conditions, and if necessary will look at it again in spring. Communication and any other business as authorized by law — Chief Johnson informed the Committee there will be a press release in spring related to motorbikes. Chief explained motorbikes are illegal on the streets and will be enforced by the Police Department. Being no further business to discuss, Ald Damaske moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ald. Buckmaster. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 10:35 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary