Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
Present were Committee Members Ald. Patrick Patterson, Ald. Chris Buckmaster and
Ald. Chuck Damaske. Also present were Ald. Salentine, Police Chief John Johnson,
Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat and those per attached list. Engineering and
Building Inspection Director Sean McMullen was excused.
Ald. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
approve the minutes of May 5, 2003. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster, motion carried
Update on Parkland Mall — Nothing new to report.
• Status of Refuse/Recyclins — Superintendent Delikat reported no complaints or
Status of Cable TV / Concerns of Customer Service — Nothing new to report.
Status of proposed policy for traffic calmine - Discussed under new business #5.
Further review of status of "No Parkins" north and south of Hish School — Chief
Johnson informed the Committee he had met with the Superintendent of Muskego
Norway School District, Waukesha County Department of Transportation Director,
Mayor Slocomb and Alderman Schroeder to discuss parking for the high school. Chief
Johnson noted the main concern is safety and accident history along Racine Ave. is
related to on -street school parking. Chief Johnson is recommending a new resolution be
established for No Parking "Monday thru Friday 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM" within a % mile
radius of the high school including:
- Parker Drive (north) both sides of the street from Racine Avenue to a point 750
feet south of the 900 curve
- Pioneer Drive — Racine avenue to City Hall drive, on both sides of the street
- Saturn Drive — Racine Avenue to Mercury Drive, on both sides of the street
- Brook Lane — on both sides of the street
- Woods Road — Racine Avenue east to West Clearbrook Dr. on both sides of the
- Woods Road — Jean Drive to Plum Creek Blvd. on both sides of the street
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June 23, 2003
Chief Johnson also recommends no parking at any time on Woods Road, both sides of the
. street.
Chief Johnson stated the City of Muskego, through resolution, will request Waukesha
County place parking restrictions of a radius of % mile of the high school on Racine Ave,
which is to Gemini Drive on the north and to Henneberry drive on the south. The City
also requests Waukesha County establish within the above area a "No Parking At Any
Time" restriction on Racine avenue from Pioneer Drive to a point 250 feet north of the
Muskego Police Department driveway on the east side of Racine Avenue for the propose
of a vision and turning lane for the Muskego City Hall and Police Department Complex.
Ald. Damaske moved to recommend to Council approval of the proposed resolutions
157-2003 and 158-2003 establishing parking restrictions, Muskego High School.
Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster. Motion carried 3-0.
Chief Johnson informed the Committee that he and the Superintendent of the High
School will attend the Waukesha County Board meeting.
Request for installation of stop sign at intersection of Ouietwood Drive and Martin
Dr. - Ald. Buckmaster explained he spoke to members of the Quietwood Creek
homeowners association regarding the bike path and the intersection of Quietwood Drive
• and Martin Drive. Residents are requesting a stop sign on Quietwood Drive for the safety
of children crossing the intersection along the bike path. Chief suggested using a
crosswalk and bike crossing signs in place of a stop sign. Chief Johnson requested the
item be deferred to the July meeting to allow time to go back out to the subdivision and
look at the intersection and the bike path along Quietwood Drive. Ald. Damaske moved
to defer. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster. Motion carried 3-0.
Review application for salvage and recvcling permit —Kohne Salvage— Ald.
Damakse moved to approve the salvage and recycling application without the
condition that the fence at the entrance be painted. Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster
for discussion. Ald. Damaske questioned the memo of approval from Director
McMullen. Ald. Damaske did not agree with making Kohne Salvage paint the fence as a
condition of approval. Ald. Damaske explained the fence cannot be seen and is not a
safety issue. Ald. Buckmaster would like clarification as to why Director McMullen
requests the fence be painted. Ald. Damaske moved to defer to next meeting.
Seconded by Ald. Buckmaster. Motion carried 3-0. Ald. Buckmaster requested all
department heads, when making any recommendations, include an explanation as to the
basis of their recommendation.
Review application for salvage and recycling permit — John Glockner — Ald.
Buskmaster moved to approve the salvage and recycling application for John
• Glcokner located at S71 W13219 Tess Corners Dr. Seconded by Ald. Damaske.
Motion carried 3-0.
Discuss proposed amendment to Ordinance 13.01(16)(Dogs) — Ald. Salentine was
present with residents to discuss amendment to the dog ordinance. Ald. Salentine
introduced a 4-H group who participated in the "We the People" competition. Their
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June 23, 2003
0 presentation was on animal abuse and abandonment. Representatives requested the
Committee consider fining an owner guilty of abuse or abandonment to cover the costs of
care for an animal. Chief Johnson explained if the owner is known they would receive a
citation for abuse and abandonment. Representatives also recommended requiring a pet
care class be taken before an owner would be allowed to have their pet returned to them.
The Committee explained that unless there was a type of permit system for the sale and
housing of an animal, there would be no way to monitor this type of system. The
Committee also encouraged the group to work with pet stores on a volunteer basis to help
educate buyers. Information from the 4-H Group's presentation at the competition is
available to view at the Muskego Public Library.
Ald. Salentine also was present to discuss a dog fancier permit. Ald. Salentine requested
the Committee consider a dog fancier permit to allow no less than three and no more than
four dogs per house. Ald. Salentine suggested using the City of Franklin's model for the
ordinance, but taking out all reference to tiny horses and cats. Ald. Salentine is
proposing that an applicant have a minimum 19,500 sq ft of property. Due to the OLS
and OED zoning this is just under a half acre. The Committee discussed safety and noise
nuisance as potential problems with this type of permit. Ald. Buckmaster informed the
Committee he already recieves calls from residents in his district complaining about the
noise of dogs. Ald. Buckmaster moved to approve a dog fancier license modeled
after the City of Franklin to allow no less than three dogs and no more than four
dogs per house with the condition that notices of application be sent to neighbors to
• the north, south, east and west of the applicant and, if necessary, be brought before
the Committee for approval. Ald. Damaske seconded. The Committee discussed
rather than sending notices to all four adjoining neighbors that notices be sent within a
200 foot radius. Ald. Buckmaster moved to amend the previous motion stating;
notices to be sent to residents within a 200 foot radius of the applicant and to
include in that notice the type of dogs. Seconded by Ald. Damaske. Motion carried
2-1, Ald. Patterson voting no. Ald. Buckmaster will work with Clerk -Treasurer Jean
Marenda on the wording of this ordinance.
Review traffic studies for Sherwood Circle and Hillendale Drive — Chief Johnson
reviewed with the Committee the traffic studies done on Hillendale Drive. Chief noted
the 85" percentile for eastbound traffic was 52mph and for westbound it was 38mph.
Chief explained an officer has been placed there to enforce the speed limit and another
traffic study will be done.
Chief also reviewed with the Committee the traffic study for Sherwood Dr. Chief
explained two studies were done. The first was done the week of May Oh and the second
was done the week of May 301h after the "Keep Kids Alive Drive 25" signs were placed in
the yards. The northbound traffic dropped lmph from 34-33mph while southbound
traffic dropped 5mph from 33-28mph. Chief Johnson did not recommend the speed
bumps for Sherwood Dr. based on the traffic study. Chief did recommend Kristen Drive
• and Muskego Drive to test out the speed bumps. Chief will look through past traffic
studies for potential test areas and Public Works will install the speed bumps per Chef
Johnson's recommendation. Ald. Patterson requested the Aldermen be notified when the
speed bumps are installed.
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June 23, 2003
• Review open fire restrictions — Residents were present to discuss the City's burning
ordinance. Residents explained that a neighbor on Westcot Drive continually burns wet
grass and lets the fire smolder for days. Neighbors cannot go outside or open the
windows because of the smell. Chief Johnson will look at the log books and directed the
residents to call the Police Department whenever they are having a problem with this
person and to instruct the officer to issue a citation.
Review revised final plat for road signage — The Settlement on Woods Road - This
item was deferred to allow Chief Johnson, Superintendent Delikat and Director
McMullen time to review and make a recommendation to the Committee. Ald. Damaske
moved to defer. Seconded by AM. Buckmaster. Motion carried 3-0.
Communication and any other business as authorized by law — None..
Being no further business to discuss, Ald Damaske moved to adjourn the meeting,
seconded by Ald. Buckmaster. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 10:12 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary
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