Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 6:32 PM.
Present were Committee Members Ald. Patrick Patterson and Aid. Chuck Damaske.
Also present were Police Chief John Johnson, Engineering and Building Inspection
Director Sean McMullen and Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat. Aid. Chris
Buckmaster was excused.
Aid. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
approve the minutes of April 7, 2003. Seconded by Aid. Patterson, motion carried
Update on Parkland Mall — At the April meeting the Committee questioned the sign
• located at the former Parkland Mall. Aid. Damaske questioned whether the sign would
be "grand -fathered" for a new development if removed at the present time. Planning
Department sent a memo explaining the history of the sign and what the City could
legally do. Director McMullen explained that for the City to enter into an agreement with
the landowner to remove the sign in exchange for permission to install a similar size sign
in the future is contract zoning, and is illegal by the State of Wisconsin. Director
McMullen further explained the CDA is hopeful that within the next 6-8 months re-
development will begin. Re -use of the existing sign structure is not permitted per Plan
Department memo dated April 21, 2003.
Status of RefuselRecycline — Superintendent Delikat reported no complaints or
Status of Cable TV / Concerns of Customer Service — Nothing new to report.
Status of proposed policy for traffic calming — Director McMullen discussed with the
Committee using a temporary speed hump as a method of traffic calming. Speed Humps
have been used in the Weston Hills Subdivision in the City of Brookfield for the past four
years. The humps would be installed on removable paper backing and would contain
approximately 2.75 tons of asphalt. The humps would be spaced at intervals not greater
than 600' and would not be located in blind intersections. Proper signage should also be
installed to notify both motorists and pedestrians of the speed humps. Speed humps will
• be temporary and will be removed every year. The cost would be approximately $80.00
per hump plus man hours. The Committee was concerned with cars driving around the
speed humps and destroying the shoulder of the road. Director McMullen stated the
speed hump can be extended onto the shoulder by laying asphalt down. The temporary
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May 5, 2003
humps will be tested in Fountainwood Subdivision on Sherwood Circle. Director
• McMullen will draft letter to the residents. Ald. Patterson stated he will also do a mailing
throughout his district to make residents aware and suggested an informational meeting
The Committee discussed posting signs "Keep Kids Alive, Drive 25". Superintendent
Delikat stated he has the 35 signs to put up. Chief Johnson will talk to Officer Gary
Mrotek for a list of streets he is recommending signs to be placed. Ald. Patterson
requested the list be e-mail to him.
Ald. Patterson questioned using a new company Traffic Control Corp. Director
McMullen advised during the reconstruction of Janesville Rd lighted beacons will be
used at the crosswalks for Kohl's Department Store and the Redmond Development.
Kingdom Care Daycare will also have lighted beacons installed in the crosswalk.
Further review of status of "No Parking" north and south of High School — The
County will review and possibly adopt an ordinance to mirror the City's proposed
mailbox ordinance. Chief Johnson expressed his concern with students parking on
Racine Ave. south of the high school for safety reasons. Chief stated that parking north
of the high school on Racine Ave would be a safer location. The Committee discussed
options the School Board would have to promote students parking in the lot and not on
the street. Aid. Damaske will add this item to the next School Board agenda and will
follow up at next months Public Services meeting.
Discuss stop and go lights on Moorland/Janesville — turning arrows — Director
McMullen informed the Committee Waukesha County has made modifications that now
allow the left turn traffic to get a green arrow provided there is no traffic coming in the
opposite direction and there is sufficient time left in the adjoining through phase to
complete the turning phase.
Review request for "no parking" signs at end of Elm Drive — Ald. Damaske explained
residents along Elm are requesting "no parking" signs be put back up on Elm Drive.
Superintendent Delikat remembers there being signs there but could not find an
ordinance. Aid. Damakse moved to place "no parking" signs the entire length of Elm
Drive both sides of the street. Seconded by Ald. Patterson. Motion carried
Review final_ plat for Ouietwood East Subdivision for required siguage - The
Committee reviewed the final plat for Quietwood East subdivision. Director McMullen
recommended placing a stop sign and a streetlight at the intersection of Raintree Ct and
Woods Road. Aid. Damaske moved to approve as proposed. Seconded by Aid.
• Patterson. Motion carried unanimously.
Review Final Plat for Big Muskego Estates Subdivision for required sianage —The
Committee reviewed the final plat for Big Muskego Estates Subdivision. Director
McMullen recommended placing a stop sign and a streetlight at Durham Drive on Hawks
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May 5, 2003
Trail and at Eagles Way on Blue Heron Lane. Blue Heron will eventually go through to
North Cape and may hecome a cut through street. Chief Johnson questioned putting in a
stop sign at Blue Heron and Eagles Way and not putting in a stop sign at Hawks Trail and
Eagles Way. Director McMullen stated he was concerned with the down hill grade of
Blue Heron Lane. After further discussion Director McMullen recommended not putting
in a stop sign at Eagles Way and Blue Heron Lane at this time but to review a year to 18
months after the development. Aid. Damaske moved to approve stop sign and
streetlight at Durham Drive on Hawks Trail. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion
carried unanimously.
Communication and any other business as authorized by law — Ald. Damaske
requested the meeting date for Public Service Committee be changed to the second
Wednesday. Ald. Patterson would like this added to the Committee of the Whole agenda.
Being no further business to discuss, Ald Damaske moved to adjourn the meeting,
seconded by Md. Patterson. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 7:57 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary
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