PSCM20030303APPROVED . PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, MARCH 3 2003. Acting Chairman Chuck Damaske called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM. Present were Committee Members Ald. Eileen Madden and Ald. Patterson (6:47 PM). Also present were Police Chief John Johnson and Robert Rammer. Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat and Engineering and Building Director Sean McMullen were excused. Ald. Damaske noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Ald. Madden moved to approve the minutes of January 6, 2003. Seconded by Ald. Damaske, motion carried 3-0. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on Parkland Mall — Nothing new to report. • Status of Refuse/Recycling — Nothing new to report. Status of Cable TV / Concerns of Customer Service — Nothing new to report. Status of proposed policy for traffic calming — Ald. Patterson noted that the "Keep Kids Alive" signs will go up in a test area in April. Chief Johnson will have a speed survey done before and after the signs are up. Discuss possible stop sign at intersection of Green Street/Green Court & Parkland Drive and Bridgeport Way and Bridgeport Court — Chief Johnson explained when a new development comes into the City the Plan Department sends the Preliminary Plat to the Police Department to review for signs. The developer is billed for the signs and the signs are installed. Chief Johnson is recommending two stop signs be installed, one on Green Street at Parkland Drive and one on Green Court at Parkland Drive. Chief Johnson also stated there is a stop sign on Parkland Drive at Woods Road that is not backed up with a City Ordinance. Chief Johnson noted there was already an ordinance established for Bridgeport Way and Bridgeport Court. In the future the Plan Department will send any new subdivision plats to Public Service Committee for the official posting of signs. Ald. Madden moved to approve the stop sign that have previously been placed on • Parkland Drive at Woods Road and to install stop signs on Green Street at Parkland Drive and Green Court at Parkland Drive. Ald. Damaske seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Public Services Committee Page 2 March 3, 2003 Discuss accident history — Kelsey Drive & Crowbar Road — Chief Johnson is requesting stop signs be placed at Kelsey Drive. There have been three accidents in two years. Two personal injury and one fatal. Two concerns Chief mentioned is looking east in the morning the sun could block vision and looking to the west and south though it is fairly open, trees farther down could obstruct vision. Chief noted with the speed at 45mph it would not take long for a vehicle, unseen because of trees, to approach the intersection. Ald. Damaske moved to place stop signs on Kelsey Drive at Crowbar Road to make a four way stop. Ald. Madden seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Request for speed reduction sign on Martin Drive north of Lannon - Ald. Madden informed the Committee a resident on Martin is requesting reduced speed sign be posted on Martin just after the curve. She explained the speed drops from 35mph to 25mph and the resident is concerned there is a Police Officer who is stopping cars that may not know the speed changes. Ald. Patterson requested recording secretary Renk to contact Superintendent Delikat to place a reduce speed ahead sign on Martin westbound at Reynolds Machine between the Martin property. Discuss cars blocking mail delivery — Chief Johnson explained there have been problems with cars parking in front of mailboxes along Racine Ave. As far as Chief Johnson is aware there are no laws prohibiting parking in front of mailboxes. Chief recommended an ordinance be created to prohibit parking 25 feet either side of mailboxes • when posted. Chief Johnson will speak to the City Attorney to draft an ordinance and also to Superintendent Wayne Delikat regarding the distance on either side of the mailboxes. Discuss status of "No Parking" north and south of High School — The Public Service Committee recommended to the County Board placing no parking signs on Racine Ave north of Woods Road, but it has not been adopted by an ordinance of the County. Chief Johnson explained that he did not know if the Board rejected the recommendation or if they just did not take any action. Chief stated the main reason the Committee recommended no parking signs was a vision corner problem at Regency and Jean Drive. The County put up the signs along Racine and the City put up signs for no parking for the mail delivery south of the High School. Chief noted the County may come and take the signs down. Chief Johnson will research this more with the County Supervisors Dan Pavelko and Peter Gundrum Communication and any other business as authorized by law — None. Being no further business to discuss, Ald Damaske moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ald. Madden. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary