PSCM200212020 APPROVED PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CIT)( OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MONI DAY, DECEMBER 2, 2002. Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Present were Committee Members Ald. Chuck Damaske and Md. Eileen Madden. Also present Mayor Sloeomb, Aid. Petfalsk.i, Police Chief John Johnson and Conservation Coordinator/ Urban Forester Tom Lager. Engineering and Building Director Sean McMullen and Public Works Superintendent Mayne Delikat were excused. Aid. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. Those present recited the Pledge of 10legiance. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS YIEETINI�: Aid. Damaske moved to approve the minutes of November 41, 2002. Seconded by Aid. Madden, motion carried 3-0. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 9 Update on Parkland Mall — Nothing new to report:. Status of Refuse/Recyclin --- Ald.. Patterson informed the Committee Cliff Baker of Pest Disposal dropped off information at City Hall and would like to be considered when tie time comes to negotiate the refuse and recycli,riig contract. Aid. Patterson noted the current contract expires December 2003. Contract discussion will be place on the February or March 2003 agenda. The C'onimittee asked that other Communities be surveyed for rates. Status of Cable TV / Concerns of Customer Service — Aid.. Patterson and Aid. Madden will tour the Customer 'Service Center of Timr:� Warner in January. Status of proposed policy fair traffic calmin;l;— Nothing new to report. NEW BUSINESS Discuss Burning Ordinance -- Aid. Petfalsk:i informed the Committee he had a request from a resident in his district to ask the Comnnittee to ban leaf burning. The Committee would like to see other means of controlling lcaf burning rather than prohibit it. It may be necessary for Conservation purposes to do a controlled burn. The Committee discussed educating the residence through the City Newsletter and also a city wide mailing that leaf pick up is available and then also thanking everyone for their cooperation. Aid. Petfalski added he would like to see a note in the newsletter or any mailing associated with leaf Public Services Committee December 2, 2002 Page 2 pick up that it is dangerous fox kids to play in the leaf piles along the ditch. After further discussion the Committee wil:i leave the Burniii-ig Ordinance as it currently is due to an expanding leaf pick up prograrn and will, discuss again next year if necessary. Discuss policy for issuing permit for �displati, of Fireworks from July l thru July 7 — The Committee discussed memos f om the City Attorney advising against a change in the ordinance. After brief discussion Aid. Madden moved to take the advice of the City Attorney and will make no changes to the current ordinance. Aid. Damaske seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Communication and any other business as authorized by law — None Being no further business to discuss, Aid Da:maske moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Aid. Madden. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 7:14 PM. Respectfully Submitted, V12 UL Kellie Renk, Recording 'Secretary • 0