Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 7:20 PM.
Present were Committee Members AId. Chuck. Damaske and Ald. Eileen Madden. Also
present Police Chief John Johnson .and those per attached list. Engineering and Buildir ,
Director Sean McMullen and Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat were excused.
Aid. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Lave.
Those present recited the Pledge oil Allle; iance.
Update on Parkland Mall — Nothing new to report.
Status of Refuse/Recycling --- Alderman Patterson stated to the Committee and those
present that he met with Chuck Ott of Superior Onyx and Mayor Slocomb. It was
decided that Superior Onyx will continue to pink up refuse and recycling along Bass B,
• Lane using the smaller vehicle. Alderman Patterson noted that pick up days may change
and the residents would be notified in writing.
Status of Cable TV / Concerns of( I ustomer Service -- Celeste Flynn, Director of
Public Affairs for Time 'warner Cable was present to answer questions from the last
meeting regarding cable and Road Runner internet service. Ms. Flynn informed the
Committee the goal for answering calls, by a Customer Service Representatives is 60
seconds. Reimbursements are issued to customers who ask for them without questions
asked. Evenings are the peak times for Road Runner service and up time is 3.5 and down
time is 1.5. Ms. Flynn will forward reports on hold times and missed calls to Aid.
Madden and stated she will be happy to come back to fixture meetings if the Committee
feels it is necessary.
Status of proposed policy for traffic ealmimI — Nothing new to report.
Review speed study for Lembezed_er and Hillendale — Chief Johnson reviewed the
traffic reports that were done for Lernhezeder ;;Ind fillendale. Chief noted that on
Lembezeder the 85 percentile speed was 37mph westbound (uphill) and 42mph
eastbound (downhill). Posted speed is 2.5mph. On Hillendale the 85 percentile speed is
42mph both north and southbound. The posted speed is 35mph. Chief explained that
both roads are good straight roads with houses set back to give an open feel. Chief also
noted that there is no accident: history on these roads. Chief Johnson recommended
placing more speed limitsigns on Lernbezedea• and Hillendale and then using police
Public Services Committee
September 11, 2002
Page 2
Ald. Damaske requested "Slow Chiildrer.t Playing" signs be placed near the bottom of
Lembezeder near Gold.
Discuss citizen request for stop sign an Muskkeuo Drive and Elm Street — Mr.
Clarence Pluer was present to request a stop sign on Muskego Drive and Elm Street.
Chief Johnson reviewed the traffic sturdy that was completed on Muskego Dr. Chief
noted that the 85% the was 29 mph going sout[lbound and 30mph northbound with the
posted speed at 25mph. Chief also noted that there has not been a large number of
accidents on this street. Chief'Johnson does not recommend a stop sign on Muskego
Drive and the Committee agreed.
Mr. Pluer added he is concerned with vehicles coming around the curve on Muskego Dr.
to fast and ending up in his property. Ald. Patterson recommended a railing be installed
to keep vehicles out of his property. If ]Public Works does not have any, problems with
this installation the City will contact Mr. Pluer in writing; before it is installed. If Public
Works does have safety concerns it will be addressed at next month's meeting.
Communication and any other business as authorized by law — Next meeting will be
Wednesday, October 9th at 7:00 PM.
Being no further business to discuss, .Add Madden moved to adjourn the meeting,
• seconded by Ald. Damaske. (tarried by all and meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary