Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 7:041 PM.
Present were Committee ,Members Aid. Chuck Damaske and Ald. Eileen Madden. Also
present were Mayor Slocomb, Ald. Salentine, Police Chief John Johnson and those per
attached list. Engineering and Buildi�ing Director Sean McMullen and Public Works
Superintendent Wayne D,elikat were excused.
Ald. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance_
Personal Appearance: :Bev Greenberg, (Tim•!E� Warner Cable) to dliscuss Road
Runner Service/Outages_— Time Warner Cable representatives, Teresa Ferrant and Stacy
Stadler, were present to discuss with the Committee outages and customer service with
the Road Runner service and cable. Nld.. Patterrson stated that: the Committee is
concerned with hold times of 45, plus minutes iier a call to be answered and with service
time taking days for Road Runner to come bacli-. up once it goes down. Ms. Ferrant
informed the Committee of steps that: 'Time Warner is taking to reduce ]hold times and
reimbursement for customers whose service is down.
Representatives from Time Warner will obtain answers to the following:
- hold times - now and the goal
- response time - now and the goal
- type of reimbursement for hold times
- length of time to implement new system
- number of customers serviced by a node
- peak times for Road Runner, in up and down speed
REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PR1E"VIOUS 1%,'KEETIN1L'3': Aid. Damaske moved to
approve the minutes of July, 10, 2002, with the exclusion of the paragraph removed
by the Common council at their meeting held July 23, 2002. Seconded by Aid.
Madden, motion carried 3-0.
The Committee further discussed the prick -up of refuse and recycling on private drives
with residents that were present. Chuck Ott from Superior Onyx was not present, but will
be invited to the next Public Service meeting held on September 11, 2002. Aid.
Damaske moved to require service levels from Superior Onyx remain the same until
an acceptable agreement is made at this Coicnmittee. Seconded by Aid. Madden.
• Motion carried 3-0.
Public Services Committee Page 2
August 5, 2002
Update on Parkland Mall — Nothin;e; new to report,.
Status of Refuse/Recycling — Addressed under review of previous months minutes.
Status of Cable TV / Concerns of Customer Service.— Addressed under personal
Status of proposed policy for traffic calminP„ — Nothing new to report.
Review speed study for Lembezeder and Hilllendale -- Nothing new to report. Deferred
to next month.
Creation of a Vicious and Dangerous Animal Ordinance - Chief Johnson explained t-
the Committee a Vicious and Dangerous Animal Ordinance is being recommended due to
a serious situation with a wallaby that attacked a child in. July, 2002. Chief Johnson noted
there is already an existing ordinance on dangerous dogs, but this new ordinance would
cover all animals except (fogs. Ald. Damaske moved to send the draft ordinance of
Vicious and Dangerous Animals to the City kttorney, and recommend approval to
Common Council subject to the Aftorney's review. Add. Madden seconded. Motior
carried 3-0.
Discuss "No Parking" signs on the curve of Itichdorf Drive - Ald. Salentine was
:present to request "No Parking," signs ofthe curve of Rirhdorf Drive. Ald. Salentine
.stated there is a deep ditch on the shoulder of tliie road that forces cars to park on the
.street. With cars parked in the curve it would be impossible to fit an emergency vehicle
down the road. Ald. Damaske moved to instal l "No Parking" signs on Richdorf Dr.
between Circle Drive and Circle Drive. Ald., Madden seconded. Motion carried 3-0.
Communication and any other business as authorized by law — Ald. Patterson noted
that the Committee cannot take action on. this item because it has not been noticed on the
agenda. Mr. Clarence Pluer of S69 W18005 Muskego Drive was present to request stop
signs on Muskego Drive and Elm Street. or Muskego Drive and Lake Street. Chief
.Johnson will do a traffic study and bring back to next month's meeting.
Being no further business to discuss,Ald Madden moved to adjourn the meeting,
seconded by Ald. Damaske. (tarried by all and meeting adjourned at 8:43 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary