Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting-, to order at 7:00 PM.
Present were Committee Members Ald. Chuck: Damaske and Eileen Madden. Also
present were Ald. Le Doux, Public V'Jorks Superintendent Wayne Delikat, Police Chief
John Johnson, Officer Gary Mrotek and those per attached list. Engineering and
Building Director Sean McMullen was excused.
Ald. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law.
minutes of the June 5, 2002, meeting;. Ald. Damaske moved to approve the minutes as
presented. Aid. Madden seconded and motion carried unanimously.
Update on Parkland Mall - Nothing new to report.
• The following paragraph was removed fromi minutes accepted by the Common
Council at their meeting held July 23y2002 and will be sent back to the committee to
discuss at their August 5, 2002 meeting
Status of Recycling/Refuse -Superintendent I)elikat reported several residents in the
Lakewood Condos have returned their recyclingr bins to BFI. They do not want them
because of the size and have been sharing with other residents. Mr. Delikat stated this
could be a problem in the future with new owners because the bin stays with the
residence, the new owner will not h.aave a bin and will have to purchase a new one.
Status of Cable TV / Concerns of_Customer ,Service -- Ald. Damaske reported
complaints from residents on their ]load Runner service. The systems continually goes
down and disconnects and is days berore servi(:;e is restored. Ald. Patterson will invite
Bev Greenberg of Time Warner to the next month's meeting to discuss issues with
Customer Service.
Status of proposed policy fog- traffic calming', - Nothing new to report.
Discuss parking during school hours -- Muskego High School - Robert Rammer;
• Assistant Superintendent of Muskegs► High Scl-lool, was present to request "no parking"
signs be placed on Woods Rd. and llacine Ave. The Committee discussed options witl
Public Services Committee Page 2
July 10, 2002
Chief Johnson and Superintendent Del>i`kat. Aid. Damaske moved to extend no parki-g
• on Woods Road east to the first entrance, (West Clearbrook Drive;) and west to
Plum Creek Boulevard. All. Madden seconded. Motion carried 3-0. Aid. Damaske
moved to recommend a. resolution be adopted and sent to Waukesha County to
request extending no parking during; :high school hours of operation on Racine
Avenue, south to Henneberiy Drive. A1d.11-'ladden seconded. Motion carried 3-0.
Discuss speed problem — Kristin D_rive_— Chief Johnson reviewed the traffic studies that
were done on Kristin Drive from 1998 and June 2002. Chief explained that speed
according to the 85 percentile of the survey decreased from 1998. Thomas Brockman a.
resident on Kristin Drive asked if the; study coli.dd be; done again in October while schoc 1
is in session sensing that the decrease might have occurred with taking the survey while
school was out of session. Chief Johnson asked Mr. Brockman to call the Police
Department when they see a speeder and to note the time of day when a particular
offender routinely travels and a color or make of a vehicle and the officers could watch
for them and issue a citation.
Review applications for salva eland recyclingpermit — Glockner — Ald. Patterson
stated there have been no complaints and an inspector fi•om the Building Department
passed the annual inspection. Aid. Damaske rnoved to approve the application for
salvage and recycling permit. Aid. Madden seconded. Motion carried 3-0.
• Review proposed amendment to waterway marker locations on lakes- Officer Gar-,
Mrotek with Bob and Darlene Bueckers were present to request revisions to the resolution
to establish regulatory markers requiring slow, no wake speed on Little Muskego Lake.
Officer Mrotek has observed safety is:sues with the location of the markers on the west
side of Idle Isle Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Buecker are concerned with boaters and skiers cutti^g
too close to their pier and possibly injuring themselves.
Ad. Damaske moved to recommend revisions to Chapter 20.10 (3) of the Municipal
Code as follows:
1. One marker on each side of Ott's Islland.
2. One marker at entrance to Schubrim:; Bay approximately 200'; from shore
in middle of channel.
3. One marker at entrance to Circle Bay approximately 200' from shore.
4. One marker at entrance to Kingston Bay approximately 200' from shore.
5. One marker on west side of Idle Isla Bay 150 feet out frorn either the dock(s),
adjacent docks or shoreline., whichever is. greater, directly out from Park #1.
Public Services Committee
July 10, 2002
Page 3
6. One marker on west side of Idle Isle Bay 150 feet out from either the dock(s),
0 adjacent dock(s) or shoreline, whic;Ilever is greater, of Park #2.
7. Four markers south of Idle; ]Isle: ont.;� marker 100: from west of Jaycee Island
225' south of Idle Isle: one marker 400; west of Jaycee Island, 225' south of
Idle Isle; one marker 600; west of Jlaycee Island, 225; south of Idle Isle; one
marker east of Jaycee Island midway between island and shore along same
ease/west line, as previous three markers. These markers may be removed
temporarily in accordance with the Agreement between the Water Bugs Ski
Club and the City of'Muskego for practice and show dates.
Ald. Madden seconded, Motion carried 3-0.
Additional signs at intersection Martin and Quietwood Dr.) — Ald. Le Doux was
present to request stop signs on Martin Dr. and Quietwood Dr. making it a four way stop,
and also placing a "no thru street" sign at Margin Dr. and Quietwood Dr. Chief Johnson
did not recommend the stop signs on Mlartin btft did agree with the "no thru street" sign
on Martin. Ald. Le Doux will poll the residents again and bring it back: to the Committee
in the future if they have any concerns,.
Communication and any other business as authorized by law — Ald. Damaske
mentioned he was concerned with traffic: speed on Lembezeder and .Hillendale. Chief
Johnson stated he could do a traffic study if nea::essary.
Being no further business to discuss, Add Madden moved to adjourn the meeting,
seconded by Ald. Damaske. Carried by alland meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary