PSCM20020605n APPROVED PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CIT1i( OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDA'Y, JUNE 5, 2002. Chairman Patrick Patterson called the- meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Present was Committee Member Ald. Chuck Damaske. Also present were Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat, Engineering and Building Director Sean McMullen, Sgt. Rick Rens of the Muskego Police Department and those per attached list. Ald. Eilleen Madden was absent. Ald. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Lave. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PRE'k'IOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the minutes of the May 6, 2002, meeting. Ald. Damaske moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ald. Patterson seconded and mot -ion carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on Parkland Mall — Nothing new to report. Director McMullen will send a letter to Attorney Baxter asking for his prompt response on this matter. • Status of Recycling/Refuse —Superintendent I:)elikat reported 3 complaints for May. Garbage pickup missed 1 Missed "white goods" pickup 2 Superintended Delikat stated that Chuck, Ott will be contacting Ald. Patterson to come before the Committee next month to discuss private drives. Status of Cable TV / Concerns of Customer Service -- Ald. Patterson informed the Committee that he had received complaints on the customer service at Time Warner. He stated when customers call in they are placed � �n hold for a long period of time and when they speak to a representative they are told they have not received any other complaints in that area yet. The committee will defer this item until next month to allow Time Warner to implement a new customer service system. Status of proposed policy for traffic calming; — Keith Flintrop of W 179 S6733 Muskego Drive presented to the committee th,, "Keep Kids Alive Drive 25" program. Marc O'Hair and Sharon Flintrop were also present. Mr. Flintrop explained he is concerned about the safety of the children in his neighborhood. Mr. Flintrop has seen this program used in New Berlin and it has had. a positive ei:fect. The contact person from the New Berlin Police Department for this program is Community Service Officer Anthony Pine. Mr. Flintrop gave _ideas of fund raising oir sponsoring from local businesses such as Public Services Committee Page 2 June 5, 2002 . WE Energies and Kohl's to pay for the campaij;n signs that run about: $12.99 each. Mr. Flintrop also suggested buying; the stickers for >3.00 each and placing; them on the recycling bins. Ald. Patterson suggested designing our own logo and making them at a cheaper price. Ald. Damaske added the Kiwanis or PTOs might be interested in purchasing some yard sings. Ald. Damaske made a recommendation to Finance to approve $300.00 from Public Works sign budget for the purchase of "Keep Kids Alive Drive 25" yard signs. Md. Patterson seconded. Motion carried 2-0. Ald. Patterson will contact Ofiiicer ,Anthony ]Pine from the New Berlin Police Department. Director McMullen will speak with 'Vivian Kuss with WE Energies and also Bev Greenberg with Time Warner :For funding; for this project. Ald. Patterson questioned if there had been anything new from Tapco for traffic calming. Director McMullen stated that T'apco is no longer doing the basic traffic calming equipment. There is a new company called Traffic Control Corp. that will be based out of Big Bend but will not be doing business until August. Ald. Patterson suggested checking into temporary tubes that can be placed down the center of the street. Ald. :Patterson directed Sgt. Rens to speak to Chief Johnson and look at areas where there are complaints for speeding to use as a test area for the tubes. Ald. Patterson requested :Director McMullen to inquire on cost of materials and installation and also delivery time. Ald. Patterson suggested inviting the president of Traffic Control Corp. to the next meeting. • jyEW BUSINESS Review applications for salvage and recyftg permit — Kohne — Director McMullen stated there have been no complaints and the owners are in the process of repairing the fence on the property. Aid. Damaske moved to approve the .application for salvage and recycling permit. Ald. Patterson seconded. Motion carried 2•-0. Review request for one-way ,stop sign on Haven Drive and Scenic Drive be updated to three-way stop sign — Director McMullen stated the original stop sign was placed at this intersection due to a blind spot. Sgt. Rens informed the Committee the Police ]Department does not recommend placing stop signs to control speed. Ald. Damaske moved to deny the request for a three way stop signs on Haven and Scenic Drive. Ald. Patterson seconded.. Motion carried 24). Review request from Waukesha County Department of Public Works to establish ''`No Parking: zones — Ald. Damaske made a. recommendation to Waukesha County to modify the ordinance to include the existing signs on the county trunk highways ;as per attached letter. Ald. Patterson seconded. Motion carried ,1-0. :Discuss traffic control: Ouietwood and Martin Drive and iQuietwood and Martin jCourt — Ald. Damaske moved to approve one stop sign on Quietwood Drive at • Martin Drive and stop signs placed. on Martin Court at Qu.ietwood Drive and speecc Public Services Committee June 5, 2002 Page 3 • limit signs of 25 mph be posted throughout the subdivision. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion carried 2-0. Communication and any other business as authorized by law — None. Being no further business to discuss, .A ld Da.maske moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary 0