PSCM20020506APPROVED PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MONDAY, MAY 6, 2002. Chairman Patrick Patterson called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance Present was Committee Member Ald. Chuck Damaske. Also present were Mayor Slocomb, Ald. Rick Petfalski and Officer Rick Rens of the Muskego Police Department. Public Works Superintendent Wayne Delikat and Engineering and Building Director Sean McMullen were excused. Ald. Patterson noted the meeting was posted in accordance with the Open Meeting Law. REVIEW OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Committee reviewed the minutes of the April 1, 2002, meeting. Aid. Damaske moved to approve the minutes as presented. Aid. Patterson seconded and motion carried unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on Parkland Mall — Nothing new to report. Status of RecVclin2/Refuse —Ald. Patterson read the complaints received for April. Garbage pickup missed 3 Recycling pickup missed 4 Recycling bin not received 2 Status of Cable TV / Concerns of Customer Service — Ald. Patterson reported that Bev Greenberg of Time Warner Cable was not aware of any problems in customer service, but also stated that the customer service department will be going through a complete change- over within the next month. Status of proposed policy for traffic calming — Nothing new to report. Review traffic speed — Industrial Park — Ald. Petfalski was present to discuss raising the speed limit on Mercury Dr. in the Industrial Park to 35 mph. The current speed on Mercury Drive is 25 mph and the rest of the Industrial Park is 35 mph. The Committee reviewed the traffic study on Mercury Dr. Officer Rens noted the 851h percentile speed is 37 mph. Aid. Damaske made a recommendation to Council to raise the speed limit on Mercury Drive to 35 mph. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Discuss speed control — Ryan Road (Boxhorn to Groveway) — Mayor Slocomb and Officer Rens discussed with the Committee options that could be used to slow the traffic on Ryan Rd. Officer Rens did not feel a stop sign would slow traffic but it could cause an accident if it were ignored. The Committee reviewed the traffic study done on Ryan Rd. The posted speed on Ryan Rd is 25 mph. The 85`h percentile speed as shown by the Public Services Committee Page 2 May 6, 2002 traffic study is 52 mph. The peak time for speeding is between 1 pm and 9pm. Mayor 40 Slocomb suggested extra patrol in the area during these peak times. Aid. Damaske moved to request selective enforcement by the Police Department. Aid. Patterson seconded. Motion carried unanimously NEW BUSINESS Review Police Department traffic survev relating to March agenda item discussing speed control on Woods Road, east of Tess Corners Drive — The Committee reviewed the traffic study done at S69 W 12864 Woods Road, east of Tess Corners Drive. The posted speed is 35 mph. The 85 s percentile speed based on the traffic study is 43 mph. The Committee instructed Officer Rens to place the radar trailer on Woods Road to make drivers more aware of the speed they are traveling. Review Police Department traffic survey relating to March agenda item discussing speed control on Ryan Road — Discussed under old business. Discussion on Fire Lane Markings/Shopping Centers- Aid Petfalski requested the Committee to defer this item to next month. Communication and any other business as authorized by law - Aid. Patterson reminded everyone to fill out the Community Center survey and return. • Being no further business to discuss, Aid Damaske moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Aid. Patterson. Carried by all and meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. Respectfullyn Submitted, Kellie Renk, Recording Secretary •